Week #21 – Creating and Customizing Library Parts
21-4. Creating New Objects with Custom 3D Hotspots and 2D Symbol

ArchiCAD Training (Best Practices Lesson 21-4)

This 30 minute ArchiCAD training will give you more options for creating and customizing new objects.

Each element in the ArchiCAD 3D window has one or more snap points. Objects in the standard library are programmed to have these hotspots in convenient points matching the geometry of the element, however new objects that you create may not have appropriate snaps allowing you to place or align elements properly.

In the previous lesson, I demonstrated how you can place 2D Hotspots on the plan and select them along with the 3D elements, and how these hotspots then become snap points in the 2D symbol of the new object. In this video, I show how you can place special objects that will add 3D hotspots to your custom object.

There are times when the 2D symbol that ArchiCAD creates needs to be adjusted in order to clean it up or make it more useful (perhaps including a cover-up fill to block out other elements on the plan). In this video, you’ll see how you can edit the 2D symbol to make it exactly the way you want it to be.

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ArchiCAD Training: Creating New Objects with Custom 3D Hotspots and 2D Symbol

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  1. Avatar photo
    11 years ago

    Great stuff Eric, you always take away the mysteries of making usable objects.
    I can see tha I will be using this method as well as the 2D object method a lot for all my run of the mill daily used items, like fire symbols etc.
    instead of numerous symbols for a type of fire door ie 30 min, 1 hour, selclosing etc one will now be used ‘on the fly’
    With the 3D table am I right in thinking it can be turned into an oval topped glass table
    Regard chris sinkinson