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The training videos on the following lesson pages are currently open for guests to view:

Be sure to browse through the comments from course members at the bottom of each page – you’ll see what members are saying about the course and what questions they are asking. At the bottom of this page you’ll see lots of general comments about the entire course from members.

To sign up for the Best Practices Course, please visit To sign up for the QuickStart Course, please go to

If you have any questions or comments about the site or these courses, you may add your comments below or send an email to supportATbobrowDOTcom, or use the chat widget.

Thank you for joining the Best Practices community. I look forward to working with you to help you get the most out of ArchiCAD – we’re going to have a great voyage of discovery together!

Eric Bobrow

Leave A Reply (311 comments so far)

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  1. Michelsen
    5 years ago

    Hi Eric, happy new year!

    I have problems open videos in old coaching calls. (2012)
    Newer call is just fine
    Any sugestions?
    I dont know if this is the right place to post this question?



  2. RichardDebban
    6 years ago

    I would also like some archicad help part time in Alpharetta Ga, ( Suburb of Atlanta) You sent me some names several years ago and I was able to hire one of them for several years but now he has taken another job out of the state. Thanks

    • Eric Bobrow
      6 years ago

      Richard – There is an ARCHICAD jobs board maintained by Graphisoft that you may find useful:
      I may try to set something up on the ARCHICAD USER website to supplement the user directory. Right now, I don’t have any referrals I can send you, sorry. – Eric

  3. RichardDebban
    6 years ago

    I have 2 different bldg’s in one project.PLN. How can i set up the Navigator so their both in the same PLn. Bldg B & Bldg C with different floor plans elevations etc. I add a new view of the floor plan but the design tools do not turn on. I get the pencil in folder icon in front of the layout.?

    • Eric Bobrow
      6 years ago

      Richard –

      Having two different buildings in one project PLN file can be challenging, but is possible to arrange. For each building, most likely you’ll need to set up the floor plan Views one by one by zooming in to the building and saving the current view with the zoom included in the View Settings (do not check the “ignore zoom”). You can then place each of these Views onto the Layout sheets, and crop as tightly as needed by adjusting the frame boundary of the Drawing.

      For the sections and elevations, you’ll probably want to place individual markers for each building, and use the horizontal view limits to exclude seeing anything in the background of the other building (unless you want to see it for context). Each of these views will then go onto the appropriate layout sheets. I don’t quite understand what you mean by the “pencil in folder icon in front of the layout”.

      FYI – while I encouraged posting of questions on pages in the member area of this course when we first were running the course, now I handle most questions via email sent to or during the live weekly ARCHICAD Coaching Program sessions. If you’re interested in getting my assistance on questions like this (how to apply best practices methods in the context of actual projects) then I encourage you to sign up for the ARCHICAD Coaching Program at

      Or even better – check out my new ARCHICAD Best Practices 2020 program, which includes a brand new, updated course PLUS membership in the coaching program. You should have received details via email (if you’re not getting my emails, check spam or junk mail folders). General details on the new program are found at

  4. RobynHawke
    6 years ago

    How do you get elevation lines to show in layout. Can see them in view map yet disappear in layout. thanks

    • Eric Bobrow
      6 years ago

      Robyn – What you see in the View Map should translate directly to the Drawing that is placed on the Layout. Occasionally I’ve seen users get confused because they have multiple views that are similar, and the one they think is shown on the layout is not the one that ARCHICAD is using. To see the active one, and potentially correct the issue, right-click on the drawing and choose Open Source View. That will take you to the View that is being seen on the layout. If it’s not correct (i.e. not showing elevation lines) then you can correct it. When this view is open, look in the View Map to see what view is highlighted – that’s the active one. If you need further help with this question send me a copy of your file to and I’ll take a look. In general, that’s the best way to get my help; I don’t always see comments posted here in a timely fashion.
      – Eric

  5. JamesPowers
    6 years ago

    is it possible to adjust the story setting mid project without effecting elements like walls, slabs, roofs, etc.?

  6. Avatar photo
    6 years ago


    After watching a couple of your complimentary Quick Tip videos on YouTube, I had to drop a note to say how valuable you and your resources have become to my practice. For years I thought Chief Architect Premier was all I would ever need for my design work. During this time every plan I sent to Layout felt like I was starting out with a new plan. Compared to your Master Template, it’s a way too manual a process. Templates in Chief, as they call it, are nothing like Archicad. I soon figured out that Chief does not function like Archicad or any other Professional level Architectural Program, it was time to look elsewhere. Your Master Template is a work of Genius! I tell all my Chief friends they need to look at Archicad and most especially at you work in help new, and veterans, master this fantastic program. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to the Architectural community.

  7. ToddFulmer
    7 years ago

    Eric, as always your videos are fantastic and I was reviewing your older video about roofs in version 15 to see if you ever did anything on how to create a roof over a bay window. I am still using version 16 so there may be a new command that makes this easier but I am having to work with what I have.

    I sent an email attaching a picture of what I am looking to do. It is a bay window on a flat side wall of a house. I assume this is done with a single plane roof but I am not sure. Have you attacked this issue yet? I cannot find anything online about it.

  8. AdamWomelsdorf
    7 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I’ve been using your tutorials for the last month now and it’s really given me the push I need to learn ArchiCad. Thank you.

    I have a question about xrefs. I have attached an AutoCad drawing to an independant worksheet and am using it as a trace reference for a site plan. It works for a while but eventually the AutoCad drawing disappears from the worksheet. The xref manager lists the drawing as loaded. I’ve tried turning on all layers and tried reloading the xref through the manager with no results. The only fix I’ve found is to detach the drawing and reattach, but eventually it disappears again.



    • Eric Bobrow
      7 years ago

      Adam –
      I have never seen an issue with xRefs like you describe, so I’m wondering if there are any other settings involved. Note that changing layers in your active view does not change the layers in your Trace Reference. Question: have you opened up the Worksheet itself, turned on all layers, and checked whether the xRef is there? Or have you been only checking on the site plan to see if the xRef is showing up as a reference?
      To continue this discussion, please respond by sending an email to instead of posting a comment here. It will be easier for me to help you via my support system.
      – Eric

  9. Avatar photo
    7 years ago

    Hi Eric
    Subscribed and logged in last night.
    Very Impressed!!
    Master Template looks fascinating and a few tutorials in on Best Practice.
    So far so good!
    Looking forward to more!

  10. MatthieuMercinier
    8 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    In your QuickStart tutorials, when you place a door with the corner anchor point, you can choose on the fly on which side you want to place the door, and after the direction of the opening.
    On my version (AC18), I have to choose BEFORE placing my door on which side I want to place my door. I have the center anchor point, the side 1 corner anchor point and the side 2 corner anchor point.
    Is it a bit annoying because I think it’s a lot faster to do it with just one corner button and to choose on the fly! Do you have any advice to get back this option?

    Thanks a lot.

    • Eric Bobrow
      8 years ago

      Matthieu –
      You can switch Geometry methods on the fly using the keyboard shortcut G (simply hit the letter “g” on the keyboard). This will switch between left side, center and right side as you hover over the wall, making it easy to insert the door or window in the orientation that you choose without having to go to the Info box to change it there. NOTE: You’ll see (and may edit) this keyboard shortcut in the Options menu > Work Environment > Keyboard Shortcuts > View all Commands in Alphabetical Order > Switch Geometry Method.

  11. MichaelGray
    8 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I’ve been working in AC20 for the last two weeks or so, on and off with a new project. However my ‘escape’ key only works if I’m in my arrow tool or another tool without having begun using the tool. To cancel out of anything now, I have to right click and say “Cancel” and then “Deselect”, which is slowing down my efficiency by a lot.

    This appears to be a relatively common problem online, but it doesn’t seem like anyone’s found a fix yet. Work environment, other open programs, and dying hardware have been suggested as causes. I’ve checked all of those things without finding any problems. My escape key works in every other program, including AC19. I’d hoped the 4009 update would fix the bug, but no such luck.

    Have you heard of this happening? Any suggestions for getting my escape key back in working order?


  12. WeldonAlexander
    8 years ago

    I loaded Master Template 20 into ArchiCAD 20 and it is missing ARCHICAD Library 20. What did I do wrong? I think I will need your help again getting things right.

    • Eric Bobrow
      8 years ago

      Weldon – You’ll need to use the File menu > Library Manager command and Add the ArchiCAD Library 20 as a linked library to your template and/or project. Normally it should find it without assistance, however if your library is named differently, or located in a different place than the ArchiCAD 20 folder, then it will need you to give it a clue.

  13. NormanSmith
    8 years ago

    Hi Eric, I see that I cannot register for todays session because IT APPEARS THAT YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN THE ARCHICAD COACHING PROGRAM IS NOT CURRENTLY ACTIVE. My credit card is being charged so I am thinking I am active. Is this correct?
    I have tried to email this to you but it keeps coming back as undeliverable.

    • Eric Bobrow
      8 years ago

      Hi Norm –
      I checked your account and found and corrected the source of the problem – the system had not updated the expiration date of your coaching membership properly. The next time you login, you should have full access. I emailed you the link for today’s coaching webinar session, which you can also use to register for the next session. My apologies for the mixup.

  14. StevenBrown
    8 years ago

    Is there a way to show objects (indicatively) with a dashed outline in elevation or 3D (instead of a solid outline)?
    I’ve tried using a slab. I changed the matterial to glass so it is transparent and I changed the settings to show a dashed outlines. It works in plan and when cutting through the object in sections but in elevation it always shows a solid outline…
    If you could help please.

    • Eric Bobrow
      8 years ago

      Steven –

      As far as I know, you cannot change the outline of elements in an elevation or 3D. You can change the pen used, in many cases independently of the plan, but it will always be solid.

      Here is a workaround to give you dashed linework: create an identical view with just that layer showing (or use the same view but change the layers temporarily), then use the marquee to outline the area involved and do a Copy. This will allow you to copy the linework. Turn back on the normal layers, leaving off the one with the glass, then paste. This will paste in the glass outlines as linework, not actual 3D elements. Then you can select these lines and change them to dashed. Obviously, they will not update if the design changes, but this may at least give you the desired end effect.


  15. NikitasIliopoulos
    8 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    Is there a way to delete nodes from a mesh or slab?
    I am almost sure you ‘ve covered it.
    So if it’s too much trouble instead of answering just remind me the lesson to look it up.
    Thank you

    • Eric Bobrow
      8 years ago

      Hi Nikita – To edit the nodes for a mesh or slab, activate the matching tool in the Toolbox, select the element, then press down on a node point and choose the editing pet palette option to move the node (usually upper left in the pet palette). Move the node on top of an adjacent node, look for a snap indicator (black pencil or checkmark) and click again to place the node on top of the other one. These nodes will be merged, removing the original one from the boundary. Repeat as needed to remove all extraneous or unnecessary nodes.
      In some cases you may find that you can move the node on top of another node that is not adjacent, and ArchiCAD will remove all the intervening ones, making the process quicker (fewer steps to remove multiple nodes).
      Another option: if an entire section of the polygon is not needed, you can use the pet palette option for boolean subtraction (it has an icon that shows a polygon shape with a minus sign) then click points to remove part of the polygon. This can get rid of a lot of points very quickly.

  16. Arq. Leonardo Sánchez
    8 years ago

    Hello Eric, good night!!

    First of all I would like to wish you a very good 2016 for you and your family!!

    Eric, during the past weeks, once I bought your course, unfortunately I haven’t had the opportunity to enter to your site until today because of some personal reasons.

    When I was reading some past emails from you, I remember that you mentioned that I could enter into a different site in Spanish (to have access to some material in Spanish). Could you please support me in this please? I mean, I would like to enter into that site but I don’t know how to do it…

    Eric thanks in advance and I will be pending of your response.


    • Eric Bobrow
      8 years ago

      Leonardo – I checked your account, and I added you to the member list for the Spanish version of the Best Practices Course several months ago. A welcome email with login instructions and password would have been sent to your Gmail account at that time. I just had the system send you a password reminder – look for it in your inbox. NOTE: Gmail often will filter emails like this and put them in a separate folder from your main inbox, which might say Junk, Bulk, Promoted, or other categories. So you may need to look around to find it. Let me know if you need further assistance.

  17. Avatar photo
    8 years ago

    This shall be a global comment towards the Best Practices Course: I cannot fathom how I would have been able to achieve any level of success without having the Best Practices Course (BPC) at my disposal. I refer to it often.
    I am so grateful that Eric has made this available.
    Now I enjoy being at what might be considered a somewhat fluid intermediate level utilizing ArchiCAD. Expert? I know enough now that I am able to grasp the complexity and far reach of what ArchiCAD is capable and am not encouraged that I would ever be ableto consider myself ‘expert.’ However, I’m confident that I will continue to expand my experience base with the contribution of the BPC.
    Thanks, Eric

  18. DavidYuguchi
    8 years ago

    I do have the Make Backup Copy box checked under Options/Work Environment/Data Safety. But when I go to my AutoSave Folder located at Library/Graphisoft/TW Data, I don’t see a backup file. Also, one thing that might pose a problem here would be that my Application folder where my Archicad application folder resides is not under my Users file; my Applications folder resides in my hard drive folder. Should I transfer my ArchiCAD application folder into the Applications folder in my User folder – would that make a difference? I notice that the AutoSave folder is in a default location that doesn’t exist. Should I just designate the Application Support/Graphisoft folder in the hard drive location?

  19. DavidYuguchi
    8 years ago

    HI, Eric:

    I experienced a loss in some progress on a project due to to some malfunction, mistake or crash (I don’t know exactly what happened). My security settings were set to save after each command (Ultra-safe?) and I searched for my backup files, but they were not there. I also realized that Time Machine wasn’t saving anything unless I physically closed the file and responded to the prompt to save. Luckily I didn’t lose too much, but I am still not happy with not seeing any backup copies anywhere. Should I “save-as” back-up copies on my own? Or can I rely on Archicad to use its built-in backup system?


    David Yuguchi

    • Eric Bobrow
      8 years ago

      Hi David –
      The ArchiCAD backup process creates a temporary backup copy of your file as you work, however it is not a normal PLN file. It is in a special format that allows ArchiCAD to very quickly write additional data with every step you take. Normally, this backup is made available to you after a crash when you start up ArchiCAD again. It will tell you that there is a temporary/backup file available, and give you the opportunity to open it.
      If you want additional safety, I suggest that you periodically do a manual Save to make sure that the latest PLN file has your work up to date. Also, be sure to set the option for ArchiCAD to create an extra backup file (BPN) in your work environment preferences. This will always have the previous PLN (whether it is from a few minutes before, or hours ago) and is exactly the same as a PLN except for the file extension.

  20. DOANE
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric.

    I have a single slope rectangular building which has a 2′-8″ brick wall at the bottom around the building perimeter and a higher wall sitting on top of it (up to around 28′ high). In one corner I need to put in a partial height curtain wall (16′ high) which starts on the right end of the high sidewall (spans 20′) and wraps around the corner to the end wall (spanning 16′). I have not seen a tutorial for this type of curtain wall but just for basic curtain wall construction (Module 17-5). How do I get the upper wall to be like an “L” shape to compensate for the curtain wall. Can I use solid element operations? Another problem is that I have the upper wall sitting directly on top of the lower wall and when I put in an overhead door that sits in both walls, some of the door elements disappear. Please help.



    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Hi Doane –
      These questions are rather complex and would best be answered in context of your actual design project file, and are ideal for being addressed during a coaching call. Please send me a copy of your file via Dropbox, and also plan to join us for next week’s coaching session where I will be able to help you directly during the call.
      ALSO – in future, it’s best to send your questions to rather than as comments here on the website. Comments on this site are most appropriate when they relate to a specific video, so that my answer can be referred to on that lesson page. General support questions like this one are best handled through my support desk system.

  21. MarcoZicarelli
    9 years ago

    Hey Eric. First of all,let me thank you for your quick start course! I was struggling with archicad 19 but a few days after watching your videos I am really getting it. I need to create a fascia/gutter on my section but I could not find anything browsing your videos. Is there any module that cover it? Thank you!

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Hi Marco – There are several ways to place fascia or gutters on your section:

      1) You can draw it with 2D lines and/or fills. Not the best choice, since you won’t see it in 3D or other views such as the elevation, but quick and simple.

      2) You can model this with the beam tool or wall tool, so it shows up in all views. If the fascia is a simple shape, you can use a basic beam or thin piece of wall. For gutters, you’ll need to create a Complex Profile with the cross-section of the gutter, then you can choose to use this with the beam or wall tool. There are some lessons in the Best Practices Course on Complex Profiles that will be helpful.

      3) You could use the Shell tool to create a simple half-circle form that would be extruded along the length of the gutter.

      4) There are some objects in the library; search for gutter or drain or pipe, and see if any of these suit your needs.

      I hope this is helpful.


      P.S. For better support, please send an email to rather than posting a question here.

  22. ScottErmer
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric, thankyou for your advice on using enounce, it has made a huge difference. My next question, is there a way of downloading the best practices course manuscript in one go, or do I have to open each lesson and do it individually. The reason I would like to do this is so that I can use it as an internal search document that refers to the videos.

  23. JabbourKhoury
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric
    I am a member at the coaching call program. But the last video call that I could download was that of April 16 2015. No other Videos were posted on the coaching call page. Is this normal? Is it a problem with my connection? I sent you an Email a while ago, but I didn’t receive any explication. I am waiting for a quick reply. Thanks by advance.
    Jabbour Khoury

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Jabbour – I apologize – I haven’t posted recordings of these Coaching Calls yet. I had technical problems with the recordings for a couple of the sessions, then I got sidetracked. I will try to get the remaining ones posted up over the next week. Stay tuned…

  24. DavidYuguchi
    9 years ago

    videos don’t seem to be working.

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Hi David (and everyone) –
      We’ve been experiencing some strange issues with our video player software that are affecting some or many of the pages (but not all). I have gone through the QuickStart Course and replaced the video player code with an alternate source, and will have someone go through the Best Practices Course to do the same over the next week. In the interim, you can download the videos from the Course Downloads page. You may also email support (at) and let me know what lesson pages you are particularly needing to watch, and I can prioritize replacing the videos on that page, and let you know when they are working properly.

  25. ScottErmer
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric, is there anyway that you know of, to be able to play your downloaded videos in a faster speed with the voice over?

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Hi Scotty –

      I use a tool called Enounce MySpeed to play back videos in the web browser as well as downloaded videos at a faster speed without distorting the audio (it does some special audio processing to avoid having it sound like chipmunks). The basic version of MySpeed is $30 and it does web based videos; the Premium version is about $100 and it handles downloaded videos as well. You’ll find more info here on this website about MySpeed on this page:

      There may be other tools you can use. I frequently watch videos at a faster speed on my iPhone using Swift; I think it may also work on an iPad; it’s really inexpensive, perhaps $5. There’s also another cheap app I use called SpeedUpTV. Too bad they don’t have desktop versions!


  26. ILYATitov
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    Do you happen to know – i’m running archcad 18 and it uses the resources of my computer quite moderetely – only 30-50% of processor and aprox. 50% of memory. But many operations are still quite slow. Is there a way to improve this – probably there’s some limite of processor and memory use set for archicad?

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Ilya –
      I’m not sure what is causing your issues – I haven’t heard about ArchiCAD 18 having problems like this in general. There is one thing that can cause slowdowns that you should check: Virtual Trace. If this is turned on, in some cases, it can cause serious slowdowns. If it’s on, try turning Virtual Trace off to see if this helps.

  27. ScottErmer
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric, Would you have any advice on site plan settings, especially in regard to what level it should be on, ideally I would just like an arial realistic view, from and including the roof down to the ground, that i can scale. Regards Scott

  28. AmyFerguson
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I have been learning your quick start course and I am now required to do shadow diagrams. Do you have any lessons on how to do these?
    Amy Ferguson

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Amy – There is a lesson that includes Sun Studies and the creation of shadow diagrams: Week 30, Part 5. To get access to this lesson, as well as all the others in the Best Practices Course, you may upgrade your QuickStart membership. If you are interested, let me know and I’ll send you a special link so that you can purchase the full Best Practices course and get credit for what you paid for QuickStart.

  29. GiancarloManzanares
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric, Im just wondering if you give certificates of completion, after completing the QuickStart Course?

  30. StephenPattinson
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric
    Doing the QuickStart course and finding it helpful.
    Just started Module 3 and you mention a downloadable pdf containing a series of sheets with the dimensions for the building in this exercise. Where can I find this pdf? (I will be using the metric version).
    Best regards
    Stephen Pattinson

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Stephen –
      The PDF files are available near the top of the page for Module 3 Part 1. The actual training video is lower down on the page, and there is another download area lower down that has the transcript, so perhaps this was confusing. Part 2 does not have any PDF’s, they’re included in Part 1. Parts 3 and 4 have their own sets of more detailed drawings you can download.

  31. MauriceNathan
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric

    Hi have just upgraded to Archicad Solo (18) where can I find the wall priority tool?

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Maurice –

      In ArchiCAD 17 and later versions, there is no separate control for Wall Priority. This has been replaced by the much more sophisticated system of Building Material priorities. The wall is created from one or more Building Materials, and each one has a priority; concrete is stronger than steel, which is stronger than wood, which is stronger than wallboard, etc. The skins interact to make the walls join properly with each other and with slabs and roofs.

      I explain all of this in the video in the ArchiCAD 17 New Features tutorial on Building Materials:

      There is a new feature called Wall Junction Order that facilitates cleanup at three and four way intersections. You may adjust the settings for the Junction Order to change which walls have priority in these cases.


  32. JohnVerdon
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    How are power, data and lighting plans generated?
    Depending upon the complexity of the project I will have a power/data plan and a separate Lighting RCP & switching controls plan. I also use the RCP to coordinate duct runs/outlets and sprinkler layout with the lighting.

    Jack Verdon

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Hi John –
      Power, data and lighting plans are created using the View Settings in combination with Layer Combinations and Model View Options. As you mentioned, sometimes you may combine the RCP with lighting and data, and sometimes you may have separate plans for these. You can create as many different Views of the project as you need, each one with a Layer Combination (“what” is showing) and Model View Option (“how” the elements are shown). Decide what you want in terms of Drawings, then create a View for each one, with a Layer Combination that shows the desired elements and a Model View Option that specifies how these are shown (for example, in an RCP / Lighting plan you may make the walls very simple with cutouts for the doors and windows rather than full symbols; in a data plan you may have the full wall structure shown (in the Model View Options) along with door swings and windows, however leaving off the dimension markers for the doors and windows to avoid unnecessary duplication and cluttering up the drawing.

  33. CaroleWylie
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I have not received any emails from you in a while. Are you still doing the webinars or are you taking a break for a while?
    Carole Wylie

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hi Carole –

      As I wrote on January 9 (two days after you posted this question) I have been busy with other projects as well as catching up on posting all of the training lesson videos from the last few months (everything is up to date now). I resumed the live training webinars this past Thursday January 15, and will be continuing with them for a few weeks (on Mondays and Thursdays at 1 pm PST) through February 2.

      At that point, I’m hoping to have finished the main course outline (after 4 years, hooray) so my schedule and focus will change a bit. Did you get my email to course members of January 9 and the follow-up sent on January 15? Perhaps we need to check that your email address is up to date in our system, or you need to check your spam or junk mail filters. I want to make sure you get all the emails so we can stay in touch!


  34. ScottErmer
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I am a best practices member, new to arcicad, and a student about to start a class project which is a 3 story commercial building. I am in Australia and the Australian version has a commercial template already set up for 3 stories. In my situation do you think I should purchase Master Template and start the project in that, or would it be easier for me to do the project in the commercial template provided and start with Master Template after I get some experience?



    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Scotty –
      Either approach will work fine. It may be a little simpler to get started with the Australian template, then get MasterTemplate later when you are more familiar with ArchiCAD. If you get MasterTemplate now, there is a bit of a learning curve; although this will pay itself back handsomely when you’re producing drawings more quickly later on.

  35. Avatar photo
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    We had very interesting training about IFC files, how can we access the recorded video?


  36. CharalamposMatthaiou
    10 years ago

    Eric , since we’re about to reach the 30 week curriculum, is there a chance to see a CineRender course?

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Chalampos – I am not an expert on Cinerender, so I am considering getting someone else to create a training on this fantastic tool. I’ll be announcing a new series of events and training resources for 2015 that I plan to call “Masters of ArchiCAD”. Look for an announcement towards the end of December 2014.

  37. ScottErmer
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I am doing the quick start course and would like to know where I can download the site survey?


    Scott Ermer

  38. ToddFulmer
    10 years ago

    Eric, I am currently playing around with a roof and the roof maker command. I have added the structural components and located them correctly. Now I am interested in finding the best way to add the fascia board and soffit. I assume that a complex profile is the best idea, can you tell me if that is correct?

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Todd –

      The roof tool has options for making the fascia edge vertical, perpendicular or horizontal, however these are limited options and frequently a soffit is made as a separate piece using the slab or beam tools. The fascia can be the vertical edge of the roof, however if you want to have an overhang with exposed rafter tails supporting the roof you may have to do some complex modeling and/or Solid Element Operation subtractions. See Week 16 Part 2 for a video on modeling this type of roof condition:

      There is another section of the training course on Complex Modeling; the training on Roofmaker is found there:

      Please watch these videos then let me know if you still have questions.
      I’ll be happy to help.


  39. MauriceNathan
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric

    I shall be grateful if you could advise me on following:
    I have prepared an existing ground floor plan layout. I now wish to prepare a proposed ground floor layout plan with a single storey extension addition How do I create a sub folder file to indicate a existing layout folder and proposed layout folder.

    Many thanks


    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Maurice –

      To create a proposed ground floor plan, use the Renovation tags and filters to create dedicated views for existing vs. proposed. Each of these views can then be placed onto separate layout sheets (create them as needed).

      To create folders in the View Map (to organize them for clarity), you may click the button at the bottom of the View Map that looks like a little folder. To create subsets in the Layout Book (to organize layouts and number them automatically) use the little button at the bottom of the Layout Book that looks like a folder with a number on it.

      There are dedicated lessons in the Best Practices Course for the Renovation tools; for ArchiCAD 15 and later, refer to this one:

      Week 23 covers the use of the Layout Book and how to create and organize subset folders etc:


  40. PengLee
    10 years ago


    BPC Week 21.

    I have been practising customising the object tool on windows > sash > shapes, etc. I have probably turned off some parts in the parametric section. Now I cannot place the window tool selection to the plan view on this floor. It is working OK on the other floors. Has the model been messed-up and how to make it work normal again. Regards,

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hi Peng –

      Here are a few things to check:

      1) your story settings – is it possible that you have set two stories very close together, or with 0 distance from one to the next? If so, windows will not show up on plan for walls that are set on the lower story (of two that are close together) since ArchiCAD will think that they should not be seen on this story, since they are above the vertical reference of the next story.

      2) your wall settings – how are the walls on this story set compared to other stories? Try copying a wall from another story (where it works normally) to the story with the problem; does it show OK when you paste it in? If so, then compare the settings of the wall you just pasted, to the settings for the walls that are not working normally.

      3) your view settings – if you are navigating between stories in the View Map, then each time you double-click a View you are activating the settings for that View. That includes Model View Options, which can change the ways that windows and doors are seen (for example, a reflected ceiling plan shows simple cutouts, and a site plan may have the windows and doors turned off to show only the building footprint). Check your Model View Options when you’re looking at the story that is having the issue, compare to the other stories.

      I hope this helps. I can look at your file during an upcoming coaching call if you want to send it to me.


  41. JabbourKhoury
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric
    I would like to renew my membership to the coaching call program. Can you tell me how to do it without filling my profile again.
    Thank you.
    Jabbour Khoury

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Jabbour – I see that you figured this out, and signed up on the Coaching Call page. Thank you! – Eric

  42. CharalamposMatthaiou
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric, sent an email 2 days ago ( about the same issue (AC18 INT AMT crash) but nobody replied. Any news?

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      I have created a version of MasterTemplate 18 INT for testing that seems to work OK (two people have tried it and it didn’t crash, unlike the original one). I will send this to you for confirmation that it works OK. Look for an email shortly.

  43. Ian Craig
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric
    Your reply still dosent explain why Archicad crashes when opening the Master template 18 product, it opens in the normal way until the last pop up window, then completely closes laving the Archicad Bug prompt.

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Ian –
      I have had a few scattered reports of similar crashes with the international version of MasterTemplate 18. I have been on vacation this past week, but am now back and will do some testing. I will send you (and the others who have reported the problem) a revised version tomorrow to see if it works properly. Look for an email from me soon.

      • Eric Bobrow
        10 years ago

        Ian –
        I sent you a file a couple of weeks ago for testing, but didn’t receive a reply.
        Did you get my email?

  44. Ian Craig
    10 years ago

    I have downloaded and unzipped the Master template for Archicad 18 ,however the template crashes when I attempt to open it, If I hover over the unzipped file it says it is for mac platform. Any explanation, or is a windows product available?

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hello Ian – MasterTemplate is a cross-platform product, like all ArchiCAD files. The development is done on a Mac, which is why the files say they are from a Mac platform, however they can be opened and used on Windows too.

  45. ToddFulmer
    10 years ago

    Eric, I have created a basic template that is very simple for my class that I allow the students to open from our network and save to their machine as a template. The problem I have is that when I copy the file to the network, the students open it and save as a template on their machine, we sometimes have errors when they try to use it. The template just does not seem to work the same for the students versus me. Is there a proper way to transfer an Archicad file from machine to machine?

  46. FadhilUthmann
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    it works so exact and perfect, once i had gone throw the quick start lessons Module after Module, now i am repeating them twice then i will go throw the BPC. thanks so much for your hard work,
    Thank you for your style where you are explaining very simply and clearly.

  47. AngelaScott
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric I need some help. We design and construct homes and I use archicad. We draw our plans and then these go off to be constructed. Once under construction we then do a detailed plan for the kitchen layout for the cabinetry to be made & signed off by the clients. The kitchen dimensions are confirmed on-site and obviously these dimensions change. What is the best way to produce a detailed dimensioned kitchen layout (floor plan view) and also detailed dimensioned internal elevations showing the cabinetry without changes being made to the as constructed floor plans. I thought maybe a worksheet but it changes everything to lines. A hope you understand what I am asking. Just want a separate plan that is not related back to the main floor plan so can make minor changes without changing the original plan.

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Angela –

      It sounds like worksheets might be the best solution, since you can make changes without affecting the original plans, or vice versa (save a worksheet copy of the plans, then modify the actual plans). Yes, everything is 2D lines, that’s the trade-off.

      Perhaps you could save the original, signed off plans as a worksheet, and then make the changes to the design model to accommodate on-site revisions. You could keep the original 3D model in an archived file, in case there was a need to check the earlier work.

      The main alternative might be to use layers or renovation filters for the revised elements. If you think of it like a remodel, there might be “existing” elements that are the original design, and “new” elements that are the revised configuration.


  48. PengLee
    10 years ago


    Not a comment, more an enquiry.
    My last visit to your Webinar was about the split level issue and how to set the floor plans at various level. Where would I find this tutorial ?

    Peng Lee

  49. MauriceNathan
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric, I have received an invoice for $37 can you please explain what the invoice is for.

    Many thanks

  50. ThitipatPratharnsap
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I’ve a question about the grid element. In the high-rise project the grid lines on the tower storey may shorten than the podium floor. I know that I can turn off some grid elements in any floor but I wonder that can I shorten the grid elements on each floor separately (not turn off). I’ve an image of this situation but I don’t know how to attach the image to you.

  51. Avatar photo
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I have a new credit card number for the pre-authorized coaching calls. The current number expiries 16 June 2014.

  52. ThitipatPratharnsap
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    thank you for your advise. I’m try to use the attributes manager to change all the layers set. It should be take for a while but it should be work.
    Thanks again

  53. ThitipatPratharnsap
    10 years ago

    Hi, I’ve a question that in Thailand we drawn in a metric units (mm or m) and the template that installed with my system is international. The problem is my drawing environment is metric (mm or m) but the layer system is not NCS that I saw in US template. And I could not found any US template on my system. I think it’s easier to modify the US template to conform with my metric units. DO you’ve any suggestion in this situation?.

    ps. I found a US template for AC10 but there are a lot of missing objects when I try to use with AC17

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hello Thitipat – The layer system in the international version of ArchiCAD is different than the U.S. version, as you saw. If you want to study and perhaps adapt the U.S. template, you can sign up for a free account at and enter a U.S. address (they don’t check it, but they use it to determine which version of ArchiCAD they provide to you). That way you can download the installer for the U.S. version of ArchiCAD, and install it into a different folder than your working version (you can choose the folder when you install it). You’ll find the template file inside the Defaults folder in the new ArchiCAD folder you create.
      Each template will refer to a specific ArchiCAD library, so there will be some issues with missing objects if you try to use the U.S. template with the International library.
      One method that may be easier would be to use Attribute Manager to import from the U.S. template and overwrite all of the layers and layer combinations, leaving the rest of your international template intact.

  54. Avatar photo
    10 years ago

    Eric, rail (from object menu) worked like a charm (after a few clumsy clicks and redos), thank you!

  55. Avatar photo
    10 years ago

    Eric, thank you for the guidance. Just finished my week’s work and I’ll be working on the little house model (432 sq ft 2bedr 1bath) next. Good advice, I’m just wanting to put some kind of rail. generic or close is just fine.
    Thank you!

  56. Avatar photo
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric, I just purchased the quick start course. I’m practising with a small house.
    There is a balcony… any suggestion what should I do/watch for a simple guard rail 1 1/2″x 1 1/2″ x42′ verts 4″ 0c with 1/2″ x2″ flat bar top rail?
    Thank you,

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hi Miguel –

      Welcome to the QuickStart Course – I’m delighted to see you digging in and working on a small project. Re the balcony guard rail, you can either use an object in the standard library – search for “railing” in the search field at the top of the object settings dialog – or you can build this up piece by piece using beams and columns.

      An object is generally easier to manage, since you can set up an overall size and dimensions, play around with parameters, and then quickly have something to insert into position. From what you described, the object called “Rail Post with Balusters 17” might be suitable, or “Railing Vertical 17”.

      At this point in your learning process, if you find that the object is close to what you want, but not “perfect” (it doesn’t quite match your design), I suggest that you use it as a “placeholder” to indicate the design, rather than getting frustrated because you can’t get it “right”. Later, when you learn how to use ArchiCAD more, you may be able to find better solutions for this task.

  57. AnjaWiehl
    10 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I am so glad I have finally managed to purchase the BPC. So So helpful!
    But I have been sending emails to the support email address about an account querry and do not get a reply, in 3 weeks now. What do you suggest I do?

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hello Anja – I just saw your comment posted here, and investigated as to why I hadn’t responded to your emails. I found the two emails that you sent sitting in the Gmail Spam folder, and have pulled them out. I don’t know why Gmail decided to filter them; however now that I see them, I can respond.

      I checked your account, and could see that you had previously purchased the QuickStart Course and (as per our policy) you get a credit of what you paid to be applied towards the full cost of the Best Practices Course. I have adjusted the invoice for the purchase of the course so your second (and final) installment has been reduced accordingly.

      Thank you for enrolling in the Best Practices Course. I’m glad you are finding it helpful.

      I apologize for the delay in responding to your query – I had not seen it, so it is good that you posted the comment so I could address the situation in a timely manner.

      Please let me know if you have any questions, or if there is anything else I can do for you at this time.

      Best regards,

  58. Avatar photo
    10 years ago

    Still looking for a link to sign up for the Friday March 28 coaching call!

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hi Robert –

      The coaching call schedule as well as registration links are posted on this page:
      Coaching Webinar Schedule and Registration

      The registration links are only shown to members with an active coaching membership, so you need to login first to the website member area.


  59. ToddFulmer
    10 years ago

    Eric, I have a drawing where I have placed dimensions, text and labels on floor plans, elevations and sections. When I check the the settings on the text, they are set to be 5 point and are at paper size. Although I do not see anywhere to check that setting on labels or dimensions by the way. But, when I change the scale of the wall section, it scales the dimensions and labels anyway. Any suggestion why this might be occurring?

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hi Todd –

      How are you changing the scale of the wall section? You should create a View of the section that is at the new scale, then the text will remain at the appropriate size when printed. If you instead change the scale of the Drawing on the sheet (perhaps by making a 1/4″ scale View go to 1/2″ scale by changing the Drawing Settings to 200%) then all elements will resize together, making the text twice as large (just like the building elements).

      The way that text relates to building elements is set by the native scale of the View, rather than the scale of the Drawing on the sheet; to get the most consistent results (in which what you see is what you get) make sure to create a View in the View Map that has the desired printing scale, then place it at 100% as a Drawing on your sheet.

      I hope this helps – let me know if you need further clarification.

  60. ToddFulmer
    10 years ago

    Thank you so much Eric for your recent help. I will be sure to check out the scheduling videos to see what I can learn.

    A question came up this past week in class that I was not really sure of an answer. The students were wondering if they should be working in the Project Map or View Map? Also, what is the difference between the first floor plan under “Drafting Floor Plans” and the first floor plan under Construction Documents?

    We got into this because we did not know which plan to add the roof to. Maybe you can offer some quick assistance on this as well. I want to be sure I am teaching them to be working in the correct areas.

    Thanks again as always.

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hi Todd –

      I’m glad my comments have been helpful.

      Re the question of whether to use the View Map or the Project Map, please check out Week 8 in the course, particularly the introductory lesson in that section:

      This lesson explains the different uses of each map, and should give you a pretty clear idea of what to tell your students.


  61. ToddFulmer
    10 years ago

    Ok Eric, I am finding that a good, basic lesson on schedules is hard to find anywhere. I have been able to duplicate a door and window schedule without any problem. It almost matches what I am looking for but I have one issue.

    1. How do I make them count the doors and windows of one type versus listing each door and window seperately in the schedule?

    And finally, I am wanting to create a simple exterior finish schedule that is not extracted from the drawing. I want to be able to have one column for the mark or callout (ex. 1, 2, 3 or A, B, C…) and then have a description column where I can type in things such as vinyl siding or asphalt shingles on my own. I tried modifying my door and window schedules but I found that when I changed the text in the description box, it changed the information that was in my description column in the door/window schedule. For some reason it was pulling from the same information, even though it was two seperate schedules.

    My last question is this. Schedule creation seems to be based on an Excel type idea, but I have not found an easy way to add a line to a schedule. Is there somewhere I need to be looking?

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hi Todd –

      I offered a coaching call last spring that focused on schedules, starting with a general introduction and training, then going deeper into different options and ways to work with schedules:

      Re your specific questions:

      1. There is a checkbox in the Schedule formatting window to determine whether uniform elements are counted together (e.g. 3 identical windows on one line in the schedule, rather than 3 lines).

      2. Schedules pull information from actual elements placed into the PLN, and changes made in the schedule (e.g. putting in notes or adjusting any editable field) also flow back to the element(s) themselves. I’m not sure what you were trying to do in terms of changing text in the description of a door / window schedule vs. the finish schedule; however if they are referring to the same elements, then the data can show up in more than one schedule or report.

      A finish schedule is often created from Zones, since zones are associated with rooms or areas of the project. Finish codes or text-based descriptions are put into fields in the zone stamp, then reported in a schedule. We have finish schedules built into MasterTemplate, but the standard Graphisoft template does not have anything built-in.

      3. A schedule resembles a spreadsheet like Excel, but it reports actual data rather than being a table that you can add lines to. In order for a line to show up in the schedule, there has to be an actual element that is being tabulated.

      Watch the coaching call recording, and some of this will be much clearer. If you have additional questions, please let me know.


  62. CaroleWylie
    11 years ago

    I am using your Master Template on a project. I am getting ready to begin construction documents soon as I have a fairly developed 3D model and am about done with the design. For some reason I can only publish drawings if I use one of your pre set publishing sets. If I create my own, it says that it has been published successfully, but nothing shows up in the file where I have chosen to save it. If I use your preset publishing set,and I save it to the same file location, it does show up. Do you have any idea why this is happening? My other current projects that are not with the Master Template are working fine so I know it is not my Archicad program or computer problem. I’ve compared the set up and I believe I have everything identical. this something you can help me with on Thursday’s coaching call? Can I dropbox the project pln to you? I am also working on another project in Master Template and it is running so slow that the delay for each click is making it impossible to work. I must be doing something wrong with your program. I really like Master Template and would like to use it for all of my new projects, but I need to figure out what is causing the issues. My other projects are running fine on my computer so I’m not sure what to do? I would be happy to pay you for your time, if necessary, to figure out the problems so that I can continue to use Master Template.
    Carole Wylie

    Wylie Architecture Planning Interior Design, Inc.

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hi Carole –
      Thanks for sending me the file. I’m glad that we were able to isolate the slowdown cause to Virtual Trace / Trace & Reference. I will check out the issue with publishing sets on the next coaching call.

  63. ToddFulmer
    11 years ago

    Eric, I have one more frustrating problem with dimensioning. Why would I be having such a hard time simply dimensioning to the centers of windows and doors? Is it imperative to have the door and window tags on? What happens if I move a tag from center. Is there an option I can use to be sure I am getting the exact center of a door or window? It for some reason is giving me incredible trouble today.

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hi Todd –
      I looked at this during a recent coaching call after you sent this question in. You should be able to snap your dimension cursor to the midpoint of the window or door. Sometimes it only is sensitive to the midpoint on one side (e.g. the inside or the outside) and only on the wall skin rather than where the frame would be. Hover your cursor around when you are putting in the dimension, and when you see the door highlight, you can click it. The highlighting indicates that the dimension is locked in to the door element. You shouldn’t in general lock the dimension to the door tag, as you may want to move the tag around for legibility without moving the door, and the dimension should refer to the door itself.

      • ToddFulmer
        10 years ago

        It did not take me long to learn about picking the tag. Once I tried to move the tag and it messed up my dimensions I knew I was on the wrong path. I think I need to develop the confidence that where I am selecting is actually the center. Again, I will check out the coaching call. I wish I could tune in live but they are always during my classes.

        • Eric Bobrow
          10 years ago

          Todd –

          With regards to your comment “I need to develop the confidence that where I am selecting is actually the center”, look for the appropriate element to highlight before you click. This happens when you are in the middle of creating a dimension string in a way similar to how elements highlight when you hover over them with the arrow tool.

          When you are clicking a series of points to create your dimension string, pause before each click to make sure that ArchiCAD is picking up the proper element, then click.

          You will also see a difference between clicks on an element and ones that miss, in that there will be a round bullseye when you hit the mark, and a square bullseye when your click did not hit an element and is not connected to an element.


  64. ToddFulmer
    11 years ago

    Eric, I have two questions for you.

    1. I am practicing placing views on layouts in the layout book in 15 and I noticed that when I had changed some of my dimension settings to make them smaller, they appeared too small on the layout sheet, even though the plan was set to a good scale. Is there a specific scale that I can set just the text to so my numbers will be more readable? I noticed that when I increased the scale for the drawing in the layout, the text did become larger but then the plan was too big for the sheet.

    2. If we are doing a kitchen where we use a corner base cabinet that borders only one wall, is there a way to only show the backsplash on one side of the cabinet? The other side of the cabinet is facing a dining room and does not need a backsplash.

    As always, any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hi Todd –
      I’ll be happy to address this during a coaching session.
      Join us today or one of the other upcoming sessions.

      • Eric Bobrow
        11 years ago

        Hi Todd –
        I did address this in the coaching call. Quick answer: text elements may be set to reference model size or paper size, this is an option inside the text settings. To have a consistent, legible appearance, choose paper size, so that the text looks the same (e.g. 7 pt high) regardless of scale. ALSO, IMPORTANT: change the Scale of the plan and Save a View with the desired scale, then place that View onto the sheet. This will ensure that the text looks correct: 7 pt on a site plan will be the same as 7 pt on a floor plan and 7 pt on a detail drawing. IF YOU INSTEAD change the size of the drawing ON THE LAYOUT – by selecting the drawing on the sheet and changing it to 50% size, for example, the text will shrink with the building elements, much like a photocopier reduction. Review the section of the course that covers the View Map, this will help, as well as the section in the QuickStart Course on creating and placing Views as Drawings on Layout sheets.

        Re the cabinet, I looked at this during the call, and could not see an easy way to have a backsplash only on one side of a corner cabinet. The two alternatives / workarounds would be (1) add a backsplash to both sides, then remove it with a Solid Element Operation subtraction (using an additional element that you will later hide to indicate the volume you want to remove; or (2) don’t use a backsplash on the object itself, instead use the wall tool and create a thin little piece of wall to represent the backsplash.


        • ToddFulmer
          10 years ago

          Thank you sir. I did not think about the SOE option. I am not saying I would do that often but there are always students who want to do something different. I will check out the coaching call for the explanation. I will keep playing around and checking out the videos for help with the layout book. I am so used to paper/model space in AutoCAD.

        • ToddFulmer
          10 years ago

          Eric, I have a drawing where I have placed dimensions, text and labels on floor plans, elevations and sections. When I check the the settings on the text, they are set to be 5 point and are at paper size. Although I do not see anywhere to check that setting on labels or dimensions by the way. But, when I change the scale of the wall section, it scales the dimensions and labels anyway. Any suggestion why this might be occurring?

          • Eric Bobrow
            10 years ago

            Todd – I just answered a similar question that you posted today – look for that response elsewhere on this page. – Eric

  65. PengLee
    11 years ago

    New walls butting up to existing walls. Why sometimes new overshoots to other side of existing, etc.
    Now and again, I find some small niggling issues that I can’t deal with quickly enough when one upgrades to a newer version, say from 16 to 17. I attach an example separately. It should take less than 5 minutes, if you could address this on 12 December. I am still in mute mode at your coaching calls but could type in my message. Thanks, Peng

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hi Peng –
      I received your project file, and will plan on looking at it during the coaching session on Dec. 12.

  66. SebastionPugliese
    11 years ago

    Dear Eric,

    As a new member, I’m wondering if you have tackled the Renovation features in the newer versions of ArchiCad. I see that Week 19 of the BPC is not yet available.

    I apologize if this is addressed somewhere else on your site.

    Thank you,

    • Eric Bobrow
      10 years ago

      Hi Sebastion –
      I apologize for not responding to your question until now, many months later. At the time that you posted it, I had not created the lessons on Renovation, although I had focused one of the ArchiCAD Coaching Program sessions on this topic. Last month, I finally tackled this area in earnest, and created lessons demonstrating the new Renovation features as well as alternate approaches that may be used in all versions of ArchiCAD. For the new Renovation features introduced into ArchiCAD 15, check out Week 19-5 for the basics, and Week 19-6 for advanced techniques.

  67. Avatar photo
    11 years ago

    olá Eric, gostaria de fazer a aquisição do master template pois já comprei o best pratices, preciso ainda comprar o programa archicad 17~pois estou usando a versão educacional ainda.

    Tenho duvidas se compro a versão full ou nào. Vc pode me auxiliar na escolha? Teria como comprar á versão em Portugues aí nos EUA?

    Vc sabe como posso comprar aí nos EUA? Tenho um sobrinho morando aí em Seatle e ele virá para o Brasil em 13/12/2013.

  68. RachaelMcClain
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I was also wondering what my options are for extending my membership. I purchased the 30 day access but need more time to watch the videos, what options do I have?


    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hello Rachael –

      I am pleased to know that you have been enjoying the course lessons, and are considering extending your membership beyond the training pass that you purchased.

      You have two main options:
      1) Buy another training pass.
      2) Buy a full membership – you’ll get full credit for what you paid towards the standard $697 price, so essentially your training pass purchase becomes a down payment.

      To sign up with the credit, simply reply here or send me an email and I will send you a special code giving you credit towards the purchase.

      Best regards,

  69. ToddFulmer
    11 years ago

    Eric, I have added roof framing to a roof on a simple plan I have drawn and was wondering how to change something. If after placing the framing, you go back and decide you want to do something a different way such as changing the ridge beams from under the rafters to above the rafters. Can you do that or do you need to delete the whole work and start over?

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hi Todd –

      The framing you create with the Roof Framing wizard ends up being a large number of individual objects. These may be selected individually or in small groups and moved, edited or deleted.

      To make the change you referred to (moving the ridge beams from under the rafters to above them) you can select these ridge beams and move them separately from other elements in the system.

      They may all be grouped but if you suspend groups you can deal with them individually or select any number of elements to adjust as needed.

      Also, in some cases, you can create new systems (groups of elements) using some of the specialized commands in that same menu; for example, you can delete a set of rafters, then put in a new set of rafters at a different spacing, without having to throw out the entire roof framing system.


  70. MickClarke
    11 years ago

    Mick Clarke from Zimbabwe

    I am struggling to get on top of all your courses so I am therefore going to get on top of all the courses before I tackle your extra coaching. It is not that I think it is expensive. I am so far away in Zimbabwe from America. It is therefore difficult to communicate with you especially when I have a problem understanding one of your courses.

    best wishes
    Mick Clarke

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Mick –

      Thanks for posting your comment so I can understand how you see things with regards to the coaching. Please know that I try to be as responsive as possible – whenever you have a problem understanding one of my lessons, send me an email, or post a comment or question underneath the video on the lesson page. I’ll answer you as best I can.

      The ArchiCAD Coaching Program is designed to give you even more assistance, whether you can attend the coaching calls or not. I know that the time difference to Zimbabwe (along with the quality of your internet connection) may make it difficult to attend a coaching call. However, when you (or anyone) is a member of my coaching program, you are like my family. If you have an ArchiCAD-related question or problem, send it to me via email and I’ll do my best to answer you, either by email or during one of the coaching sessions.

      If I answer your question on a coaching call, even if you can’t attend, you can watch the recording in the member area. It’s like having me personally sit with you to help you with your challenges as you work with ArchiCAD.


  71. DianeWaingrow
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I just rejoined the Coaching Calls and I’m so glad I did. I had no idea you had such a detailed and useful indexing of topics! It’s soooo helpful, like finding a needle in a haystack. I was able to find a few minutes on several specific topics without wasting any time wading through the overwhelming amount of material.
    Thanks so much,

  72. PengLee
    11 years ago

    I was online with go-to-meeting coaching call 24/09/2013. It is seemingly getting more complicated with v17.

    One item I just discovered now missing from v15-17 is customising the door with sidelights. Previously one goes to > internal door settings > click > elevation and opening > customise in the dimension boxes and it’s done. Where would I find this feature in v17. Eric, you are doing great. All the yes, Peng

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Peng –

      In AC17 > D1 Sidelight USA Settings there is section called “Shape” that allows you to set the width of the sidelight directly.

      There is also a separate section for the “Sidelight” where you may choose the style (including the frame width and thickness and the number of panes if you choose a divided type).

      The section called Opening only refers to the 2D and 3D opening angles and line types. I’m not sure whether this has changed.

      Thanks for the kind words about how things are going – glad you are enjoying the program!


  73. LewisBishop
    11 years ago

    It just keeps on getting better!!! and more valuable!

  74. JohnDavidRulon
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I am sure this is covered somewhere but I am a beginner with your organizational tools so not sure where to look. How do you search for issues and or topics in either the Best Practices,the Coaching Calls or the Master Template? For example I just saw a tutorial in automatic numbering of doors and windows but have forgotten where it was.
    David Rulon

  75. Avatar photo
    11 years ago

    I must say .. great job Eric !! definitely worth money spent.

  76. MarobathotaMamabolo
    11 years ago

    Since using ArchiCad, my staff enjoyed almost every moment and the Best Practice Course has been helpful in improving our productivity. Thanks to your initiative.

  77. MarthaEaton
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric I feel as if the fog has lifted even if i just started. I have not yet received my DVD’S while in Florida I am leaving back to Australia next Thursday i Would love to take then with me. Please let me know if i should call or if i should go over all the details again.
    Thank you so much i love your courses.

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hi Martha –
      Thank you for your positive feedback about the course lessons – I’m glad they are making things clearer for you!
      I checked the order records for your DVD set. The order was placed on August 16, a Friday, and it went out by UPS Ground on Monday August 19 from our manufacturing facility in Nevada. UPS reports that the order is scheduled for delivery on Monday August 26, by end of day, so you should get it in plenty of time before you head back to Australia. Please email or post a reply when you receive the disks so I know they got there safely.

  78. Don Schleining
    11 years ago

    Eric-after using Archicad for over 18 years I continue to find value in your Coaching Calls. Two major areas you illustrate in the calls that are valuable to me are a fearless approach to solving “problems” and great exposure to the nuances in Archicad.

    Your approach to “problem” solving provides a real comfort level in attempting a fix even if it takes 2, 3 or 4 tries to get at the root of the issue. I really believe this encourages any listener on the calls to look at their own problem solving techniques, enhancing productivity.

    The second area which just cannot be replicated in a book is while watching your attack on a problem there is invariably an Ah Ha moment. Usually some option or tool used which I had no idea was a feature of Archicad.

    Please keep the Coaching Calls coming!



  79. MauriceNathan
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric

    I am having difficulties in login to the QuickStart Course, can you please help

    Many Thanks


    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hi Maurice –

      I checked your account and everything appears OK from this end. I had the system send you a reminder for your login instructions including the password.

      Note that if the Login page says you are already logged in when you get there, you can click the Member Home Page link to get into the member area. If for some reason you need to logout and log back in again, you can use the Extras menu in the member navigation bar and choose Logout.

      Let me know if this helps resolve your problem, or if you need further assistance. In future, it would be helpful to me if you described your issue more specifically.


  80. MAMADY
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I am wondering if you can help me out how to input site boundaries with lengths , bearings and shows the bearing dimensions in Archicad.



  81. David Rayhill
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    By endless trial and error I think I have discovered a strange little quirk of ArchiCAD.

    I was trying to model the vertical cladding for boxed eaves and gable wall lining under a simple gable roof- not a big ask for the program.

    I spent the weekend applying the “Connect- Trim Elements to Roof/ Shell” command- a command of wonderful simplicity normally taking about 30 seconds to execute.

    After countless dummy runs and duplicated models where every variable was tested (roof/ walls on same / different story, different display attributes etc.), it dawned that the successful trim attempts had walls within the Pivot Line envelope and the stubborn refuseniks extended beyond (despite still being wholly under the roof).

    Is this true or is my diagnosis over- complicated?

    Thanks Eric

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      David –

      This behavior is a standard part of the way roof elements trim other elements in ArchiCAD 15 and later. You can control whether it uses the pivot line or the contour (overall outline boundary) by selecting the roof or roofs and in the Roof Settings > Model > Trimming Body selecting either Pivot Lines Down (the default) or Contours Down (which will extend the trimming body / volume out to the contour boundaries).

      You can see these trimming bodies in your 3D view by turning them on in the View menu > Onscreen View Options > Trimming Bodies. You’ll see them show up as red translucent shapes under each roof. You may hide them using this same command.


      • ToddHotchkiss
        11 years ago

        What is the advantage of using the trimming technique over Solid Element Operations?

        • Eric Bobrow
          11 years ago

          Hi Todd –

          In practice, Connect > Trim to Roof and Solid Element Operations are quite similar. They both form an enduring relationship, so if the elements are repositioned or adjusted, the trim will update. Trim to Roof can be used with either the Pivot Lines or the Contour as a boundary, offering some additional flexibility in certain cases. In addition, it can be slightly quicker to use the Trim command – simply select the wall(s) and roof(s) and invoke the command, confirm that you want to use the roofs in the current selection, and you’re done. With SEO, you have to open up the SEO palette (if it’s not already onscreen), then select elements and add them as operators, deselect and select the other elements and add them as targets (or this can be done in reverse order), then select the SEO operation, and click the Execute button. (More steps…)

          I’m not sure if there are any other differences; it’s possible in ArchiCAD 17 that some changes may have occurred in regards to Priority Intersections and Building Materials, although I think that to invoke these, you need to use the Connect > Merge Elements instead of Trim to Roof. I’m still learning some of the new features of ArchiCAD 17 myself, as questions come in and I try to accomplish various tasks.


  82. RoyGacus
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric!

    I had a bit of a problem regarding on how to edit walls in relation to my internal elevation coz if i change the height of my walls in project maps the interior elevation in my view map doesn’t change..And also how can i create general notes in each plan and how to update electrical in my electrical plans? Example if i add more lights and i want to update everything…Need your help..Thanks and more power..!


    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Roy –

      When you change the elements in your model (such as changing the height of the walls) then all the views of your model should reflect the new geometry. However, the updating process can be manual or automatic.

      When you look at the interior elevation drawings on a layout, they can remain unchanged if their Drawing Settings are set to manual update, in which case you need to use the Update button (in green in the Layout Book part of the Navigator) or right-click the drawings and choose Update.

      Another thing that can affect Interior Elevations specifically is that they have an option to show a limited vertical range. If this is set, and the walls are made taller than that range, you will not see them update to show the full height of the wall. You will need to manually change the vertical range for these interior elevations, either by selecting the marker on the floor plan (which would affect the entire group of views) or right-clicking in any of these views (which would affect only that one view) and opening up the Interior Elevation Settings. Change the vertical range, then you should see the view update properly.

      General notes can be created using the text tool directly on the plan, using text within a worksheet that is placed on the layout, or imported from a word processor via PDF. For short notes that are not repeated in multiple places, simply use the text tool. For notes that should be shown in multiple locations on your sheet set (for example, for every story of a building), place the note into a worksheet, then place a View of that worksheet onto each sheet; this will allow you to update them all at once by revising the worksheet contents.

      To import general notes from a word processor (such as Word or Pages), you can do a quick copy and paste, but for more complex usage, it’s often best to format the page in the word processor in multiple columns and possibly use multiple pages, then save or print to a PDF file. Use the File menu > External Content > Place External Drawing to bring in the PDF onto a layout sheet, complete with multiple columns. Repeat for additional sheets as needed, each time choosing the specific page from the PDF. When the word processing file is updated, resave the PDF and then update the drawings on the sheets.

      If you update your electrical plan to show more lights, your view on the layout sheet should show the latest version. You may have to manually update this view, as described in my first note about interior elevations (above).

      I hope this is helpful.


      • RoyGacus
        11 years ago

        thanks Eric! I got it..thank you thank you thank you..!!!!

  83. DanielMauger
    11 years ago

    Hello Eric,

    further to me email as to 3D drawings. is there a way when doing LW 3D projection to show the windows as the glass colour? I have turned of the transparency setting and the colours when I do a 3D perspective show as grey not the glass colour as set in the materials.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Daniel Mauger
    Anchor Homes – Australia.

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Daniel –

      It sounds like you have not tweaked your material settings so that the Lightworks view of the material matches the internal engine / 3D window / OpenGL version of the material. This can easily happen when you create or edit a material using the Internal Engine preview in the Materials settings dialog.

      Go back into the material settings dialog, and find your glass material. Switch the preview mode to Lightworks, and use the button to match the internal engine settings. This will make Lightworks change its version to be relatively close to the internal version – you’ll see the preview image update near the top of the dialog.

      Let me know if this does the trick, or not.


  84. ChesnelHenry
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I use ArchiCad 15. I had been trying to use my windows settings to show the window in my floor plan, but its not working. Any reason why?

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      ChesnelHenry –

      Windows normally show on the floor plan when the wall they are placed into is visible. Some of the reasons why a window will not show include:

      1) Story height settings that make ArchiCAD think that these windows are outside the story being shown. This can happen when you make two stories closely spaced together or with a 0 height to next. Although the wall will show properly in 3D, the window may be considered “above” the actual story.

      SOLUTION: Change the story height settings to allow sufficient space between stories; OR change the Floor Plan Cut Plane settings to show up to a certain height ABOVE the next story up (this is normally set to 0 above the next story).

      2) Model View Options (MVO) can hide windows and/or doors as well as other information. This is commonly done for small scale site plans, in which the building footprint is shown as simple walls without openings. To adjust this manually, go to the Document menu > Model View > Model View Options.

      MVO are save in named presets and recorded in Views in the View Map. When you double-click a View, a specific MVO is activated. For consistency in your drawings and working environment, save your MVO combination by name and make sure each View uses an appropriate MVO.

      3) The Floor Plan Cut Plane (FPCP) Settings allow you to cut through and show slices through specific height ranges of the model. This lets you create a floor plan that shows most windows and all the doors, as well as a clerestory plan that shows upper windows by themselves. The FPCP is recorded in the View Settings, and may be adjusted for each View.

      Make sure your FPCP is consistent with what you need for your drawings.

      4) Windows and doors have an option in their settings to choose the representation on the floor plan. You may use a detailed representation, a simple one, or turn off the floor plan symbol. Make sure these windows are set to show on the plan – open up the Window settings and look for the floor plan representation options.

      I hope this helps you to figure out your issue. Let me know if you need further explanation. We can take a look at your project during one of the coaching calls, if you need me to look at it to figure it out for you.


  85. Avatar photo
    11 years ago

    Hello Eric,

    I am a newcomer to ArchiCAD and I am very excited to learn this new tool and to assist my business partners company in floor plan design for several builders in our area.

    I have many years of computer experience from Application Development to Network Administration and look forward to taking on a new role in computer technology such as Computer Aided Design.

    I have watched your FREE videos online and see that you take your time in your approach to teaching the program of ArchiCAD….

    I hope to make ArchiCAD a success in my life with your training.

    Regards, Mark Dill

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Mark –
      Welcome to the Best Practices Course!
      I look forward to seeing your progress, and helping you whenever you have a question.
      Best regards,

  86. ToddFulmer
    11 years ago

    Eric, I have noticed that in the Objects area, especially in the bedroom sections that Archicad is lacking a lot of standard furniture such as dressers and chest of drawers and such. There are not that many bed options either.

    Am I missing them somewhere or are there truly not objects to bring in for these?

    Also, do you have any advice or tutorials on how to properly use the free GDL objects that many sites have that you can insert in drawings? I have found more furniture at other websites but cannot seem to get them to insert in my drawings.

    Thanks as always for any assistance.

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Todd –

      In ArchiCAD 16 Graphisoft has integrated in the capability to search for objects (within the Object Settings dialog, in the upper left) by name or keyword and to automatically find, download and embed objects from (the website they have set up for sharing ArchiCAD objects). Try using this search capability and see what is available that way.

      With regards to other sites, in general, if you can download objects as GDL files then you can add them to your ArchiCAD project. In the Object Settings dialog you can use a button in the lower left to Load Other Object, then browse and select the GDL file. The new object will then get loaded and added into the embedded library for the project.

      After you have loaded an object into a particular project, you can use the File menu > Libraries and Objects > Library Manager to export embedded objects to a local folder for reuse in other projects (to export, in Library Manager highlight one of the embedded objects then use the Export Embedded Subtree command; to import later into another project, use the Load Other Object to bring in one at a time, or use the Add button within the Library Manager to add a Linked Library folder).


  87. AngelNunez
    11 years ago

    Hey Eric,
    Just read on the web “Massive botnet using brute force attack to target WordPress sites”, hope that it does not afect your site. Here is the link.

    Take care. Angel

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Angel –
      I have read about this ongoing situation and understand that the threat is real and dangerous. However, I have a secure password (we were hacked once last year) and I just had the site checked for malware by and verified as clean.
      Thanks for passing along the info and the link to the article.

  88. Beverly Kenville
    11 years ago

    Just watched 3 of Eric’s You Tube Quick Tips. Have used ArchiCAD since Version 5.5, now on Version 16 and consider myself to be quite knowledgeable in the AC domain. However Eric has very useful tips on how to change materials, window/door renumbering, importing/updating pdf information and specific changes that have been tedious and toke a long time, and have been simplified by his quick tips.

    Have decided to take a class on Friday mornings of Eric’s Tips/Best Practices Sessions to refresh and augment my knowledge of this vast program. Every single time I watch one of Eric’s videos I learn something about another way to perform a task that simplifies something or teaches me another way to do my work. You go Eric! Thank you.

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Beverly –
      Thank you for your kind words.
      I appreciate that you took the time to post them here!

  89. IgnacioGarcIa
    11 years ago

    I purchase the software Artlantis to make a more realistic rendering, but so far I have not been bale to do anything better that what ArchiCAD actually does.
    I am sure is because I am not using the software right. Is there any course you have in development.

  90. PengLee
    11 years ago


    I have just installed upgrade ac16 from ac13. Now AMT cannot open on ac13 because it was unable to find the application to help it do so. What process is required ? Thanks, Peng Lee

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Peng –

      When you upgrade your ArchiCAD software you can still open older files, however sometimes the operating system doesn’t quite know which tool or program to use. You may start ArchiCAD manually, then tell it what file you want to open.

      I suggest that you get the upgrade for MasterTemplate, which costs $95, so you have the latest version that is designed to run with AC16 and the AC16 Library. You may order the upgrade by logging in to the MasterTemplate member website, where you will find a link in the left hand sidebar for the AMT Upgrade.

      Feel free to email or call me to discuss this and to go over any questions.


  91. ToddFulmer
    11 years ago

    Eric, do you sell the Cadimage products? Being with a school, and with Cadimage being from New Zealand, it might take an act of Congress for us to be able to purchase it. Do you have a suggestion for an easier way?

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hey Todd –
      Yes, I am a reseller for Cadimage products. You can order through my company at the same pricing as they quote on their website. Will that make it easier for you?

      • ToddFulmer
        11 years ago

        Well, I just checked their website and I see that for a 10 seat license it is about $1500 and I know we cannot do that right now. That was for the framing solution program. So, I think we will have to wait and work our way towards adding that program. Thanks for the info.

        • Eric Bobrow
          11 years ago

          Todd –
          I suggest that you send an email to Cadimage – they make some of their products available without charge for students, so you may be able to get the framing solution free or for a reduced price.

        • ToddFulmer
          11 years ago

          Thank you. I have been investigating whether or not your Master template option is something that I need to have for class. Can you tell me if it would be of value in a classroom setting? I think I can see the value in an office but I may be able to create a template for classroom use.

          There was a message on that page asking if you can install it on more than one computer. I have not seen an answer to that. Is it a one machine option?


        • Eric Bobrow
          11 years ago

          Hi Todd –

          MasterTemplate is good for two distinct purposes:

          1) A robust office standard that improves production efficiency and consistency.
          2) A learning tool – a demonstration of many best practices principles embedded into the project structure.

          As an office standard, only one license needs to be purchased for it to be used throughout an office (or school / classroom). It is expected that it will be customized or adapted as needed, then copied around so everyone has the same template for starting projects.

          As a learning tool, you will find MasterTemplate an excellent adjunct to the Best Practices lesson videos. It may be a bit too complicated for students to use directly on their initial projects, but you can use it to demonstrate principles, and encourage them to copy and incorporate some of these into their own projects.

          The Sample Project supplied with MasterTemplate provides an example file that can be studied and “reverse engineered” – basically, you can see what settings and layer combinations are used to create different drawings and schedules.

          Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


      • ToddFulmer
        11 years ago

        Eric, I contacted Cadimage and they did tell me we can use the software free with our education software. Thanks for recommending I check into it.

  92. MichaelYousef
    12 years ago

    HI Eric

    i signed up today and just wanted to know how do i get the copy of the my speed Download?

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Michael –
      I’ll be processing the orders next week for the MySpeed licenses. I’ll be in touch by email with the info you need. Thanks for joining the course!

  93. StewartHart
    12 years ago

    Where did you
    “clarify fine distinctions of tool usage or raising issues such as combining the Floor Plan Cut Plane and a new Viewpoint of the story (plan) to create a split level home plan is clever and more BIM-like than my previous solutions.” as Mark Moscrip
    mentioned 617 days ago?
    I’m attempting a split level residential project and need all the guidance I can get. Week 18 can’t get here soon enough.

    I’ve really benefited from the course!

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Stewart –
      As you know, we covered this topic for you in a coaching call shortly after you posted this comment. Please let me know if you have any additional questions about it.

  94. ToddFulmer
    12 years ago

    One more question.
    Do you have any videos in the courses explaining how you can modify exterior or interior walls to show different finishes in different rooms that are all part of the same wall? I mean having the front wall of the house include a bedroom, bath, living room and dining room and even though it is one wall, I want to show different finishes in each of those rooms. I thought I might have to break the wall in each room but that appears to leave a joint line on the outside at the breaks.

    Any ideas come to mind?

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Todd –
      I answered this question in the recent video tutorial (that I mentioned in response to your other comment, immediately below). Basically, you will avoid having the break line on the outside wall when you adjust the intersection priorities properly, so that the interior wall “gives way” to the exterior wall rather than passing through it. Watch the video and you’ll understand!

  95. ToddFulmer
    12 years ago

    Eric, do you have any videos or tutorials that explain the proper way to create a two or three story building? We are entering a competition where we are required to create a college living type of facility and our plan is to have a three story facility. I am just curious as to whether I should do the following, this is what I am currently thinking.
    1. Have a 9’ ceiling height for each floor.
    2. Create the first floor and have the interior walls measure 9’ and the exterior walls measure 1’ taller.
    3. Create a slab on top of that floor that is 1’ thick.
    4. Then recreate the same floor measurements for the second floor and then do the same for the third floor.
    Does this sound kind of correct or do you have another suggestion? I am trying to figure out what is the best way to do it using Archicad 15.

    Thanks and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Todd –

      I took your question as the inspiration for one of my latest ArchiCAD video tutorials:

      ArchiCAD Tutorial | Multi-Story Buildings: Basic & Advanced Strategies

      Please watch the video and let me know if it answers your questions sufficiently.

  96. ChesnelHenry
    12 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I want to get back using ArchiCad, though it is not my current field of work. I am still hoping to someday to use the skills. What’s the best way to find some motivation?


    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Chesnel –

      This is an interesting question. Perhaps it will be more interesting to work on your skills in the context of a real or imaginary building design. If you can find or borrow some drawings for a building, you could challenge yourself to make a nice 3D model of that building as well as some of the construction documents.

      Alternatively, if you have time, you might try to find an architect who uses ArchiCAD and apprentice yourself – offering to do work for free or at a low wage. That way you would have a mentor (perhaps) who could help you when you get stuck, and you would have the motivation of doing work that someone else needed.

      I wish you the best in your journey towards ArchiCAD mastery – please let us all know how it goes!


      • ChesnelHenry
        12 years ago

        Thanks Eric,
        I am going to do just that.

  97. DeonPurves
    12 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    We have just purchased the best practices course with the DVD set and master template for our office in London. We are currently working on a number of projects in Archicad 16 and have a specific question which has come up today.

    Is it possible to link elements to each other so that if one element changes it automatically adjusts the other accordingly.

    For example if I have a wall element and a slab element ending on the edge of the wall. Is there a setting so that if I move the wall the slab edge will automatically adjust to the new outer face of the wall?

    Many thanks,

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Deon –

      Welcome to the Best Practices Course!

      With regards to this question, there is no general method to link elements that will work in this case.

      Some relevant options:

      1) You can group elements, such as a set of chairs with a table, or an entire out-building. Then when you select one of them, and drag it or make multiple copies, the entire set will move or copy together. This will not work for your context, since the slab should not move, only the relevant edge should adjust.

      2) To adjust the position of a wall along with a slab, you may use the marquee tool. Enclose the relevant elements inside the marquee, then with the marquee tool remaining active, click on the edge of the slab or the corner of the wall to start the Stretch action. Move the cursor either manually or with Tracker or Guide Line input and click or enter the destination point. The wall will move (assuming that both ends were enclosed, the edge of the slab will adjust in sync, and all will be well…

      This will actually also adjust the other walls that were “attached” to the main wall, as all enclosed “nodes” will move together. The other ends of these walls will remain anchored, so they will get longer or shorter as appropriate.

      I hope this is helpful.

      Best regards,

  98. YuJung
    12 years ago

    I ordered DVD$79,but only received a quickstart and the best practices course 1 ~ 3 DVD 3 piece, the lack of 4 to 6, and I do not know why?

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Hello Yu Jung –
      At this point, there are 4 disks completed. The other three (disks 4 to 6) will be produced as I finish up the remaining lessons in the course over the next few months. They will be sent out one by one to everyone who ordered a set. I apologize for the confusion, and promise that you will get these disks as soon as possible.
      Eric Bobrow

  99. Avatar photo
    12 years ago

    Eric, thanks very much, I’m in with no problems mate 🙂

  100. Avatar photo
    12 years ago

    Hi Eric
    Took the plunge after using one or two of you training videos.

    Have to design a multi-sided garage roof so thought it would be a good start with your roofing course.

    Here’s to the Journey

    Martin Kelly

  101. TomStojanovic
    12 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    Recently, I had to change my email address.I’ve updated my profile details but still don’t appear to be receiving any emails to this new address.

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Tom –
      I have updated our email address in our main system, so you should start receiving emails again. Unfortunately, changes in your profile in this membership website are not synchronized automatically with our main system Thanks for letting me know about the issue so I could process this in our main system.

  102. PengLee
    12 years ago

    Q: What steps are required in the Sections/Elevations default settings so that the elevations do not show elements beyond glazed doors or windows. You may already have covered this in one of your previous coaching calls. Where ? can I find this.Regards, Peng

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Hello Peng –

      The control for this option is available in the Section or Elevation Settings dialog under the Model Display panel > Uncut Elements > Transparency. If this is unchecked, then you will not see anything beyond the glazing.

      If this option is checked, then you will see inside, as long as the glazing is using a material that is transparent. Technically, I think it looks at the material setting and if it is more than 70% transparent, it considers it “see through” for this purpose.


  103. WilliamRussell
    12 years ago

    I just downloaded Archicad 16 and tried use it to open a file I created following the quick course (used 15 before). I noticed that in floor plans and elevations the furniture was missing. In floor plans I have brown dots in place of it and if I click it gives me the name of what is there but no actual object.
    May be there is a certain way to transfer from 15 to 16 so it doens’t happen?

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Hello Nina / William –

      The problem you are encountering likely has to do with the fact that you have downloaded the USA ArchiCAD 16, while your earlier work (when you were in Russia) was done with the International ArchiCAD 15. The USA and INT libraries are rather different, sharing a few of the same parts but the brown dots are placed wherever ArchiCAD cannot find a good match.

      I suggest that you download the INT version of ArchiCAD 16 and try it again. When you work with the same distribution (INT or USA) you will not have this problem, as ArchiCAD 16 will recognize the parts used in ArchiCAD 15 without a problem.


      • Nina
        12 years ago

        Hello, Eric
        Thank you for your reply. Both 15 and 16 are US versions, I don’t use INT. Sorry not to have mentioned that before.

        • Eric Bobrow
          12 years ago

          Nina –

          If that’s the case, then perhaps ArchiCAD is not loading the library properly. Check the File menu > Libraries and Objects > Library Manager to see if it is loading the ArchiCAD Library OK or not. Are you getting a Library Loading Report indicating missing parts?

          I suggest that you review Module 4 of the Best Practices Course, which focuses on Library Management and Migrating Projects.


  104. Terry Martin
    12 years ago

    I’m having a problem. Whenever I click on a window, the navigator palette turns off. This didn’t happen before and I’m not sure how to correct the problem.

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Terry –
      You have accidentally triggered the Navigator Auto-hide feature. To turn this off, simply right-click in the Navigator title bar, and when the popup menu comes up, select (and turn off) Auto-hide. All will be back to normal!

  105. YuJung
    12 years ago

    How can I to add to buy the best practice courses and Quick Start Course DVD?

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Yu Jung –

      Near the top of the browser window, you’ll see the navigation menu for the course website. Select the Best Practices Course menu, and choose “Get the Course on DVD”.

      You’ll see a web page that describes the DVD set, and you may click the Add to Cart or Buy Now button to place your order. This will take you to a standard shopping cart checkout page, where you may enter your payment details.

      The Best Practices Course DVD set of 7 disks includes the QuickStart Course DVD, so you don’t need to order both.


  106. ChesnelHenry
    12 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    You may have already answered the question, but I did not find it when I logged in last time. I need to know if there is a way to increase the fonts of the drawing tools without necessary increase the font in window?
    Mine drawing tools look so small I can barely see them.

    Thank you,


    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Chesnel –

      Unfortunately, I do not know of a way to increase or change the size of interface elements such as the drawing tools without changing the overall screen resolution (setting your monitor to a lower resolution will make everything bigger onscreen).

      This might be an interesting question to post on ArchiCAD-Talk, since someone there might know how to do this.


  107. Fardin
    12 years ago

    HI, Eric,

    I have log out and loged in but I can not access the video.


    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Fardin –
      I have tested your account by logging in under your name, and can see all the videos properly. Sometimes there can be a problem with the browser cache, in which your browser does not update the page because it thinks that the page has not changed since your last visit. You may need to empty your browser cache to force it to reload the page.

  108. Avatar photo
    12 years ago


    Coaching question: Is there a way to ‘lock’ the viewport, or drawing window, once it has been placed on a layout sheet? (I’ve only searched for this feature within the ‘drawing selection settings’ thinking that is my best option.)

    If there is a reason why this would not be a good idea, that would be helpful to know.


    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Rex –

      You can select the Drawing on the Layout and use the Edit menu > Locking > Lock command to lock this drawing into position. I checked, and it does not impede the Update command (either Auto-Update or a manual Update) so the drawing can still remain up to date with the View it is displaying.

      While I can’t see any reason why this would be a particularly bad idea, I’m not sure exactly why you would want to do it. If you need to adjust the position or any of the Drawing Settings, you would need to unlock it.

      Now perhaps there is another reason behind your question. If you would like to keep the Drawing unchanged as the View is modified, perhaps as a “record copy” for a particular milestone or point in time, then instead of locking the Drawing you may use the File menu > External Content > Drawing Manager, select the Drawing in the list, and use the Break Link icon at the top of the dialog box. Then this Drawing will never update; its status will change to “Embedded” and it will remain as a record of the state of that View at that point in time.


  109. AlanCarlson
    12 years ago

    I am a high school drafting teacher. My question to you is, “now our school has purchased your Best Practices Program is there a way that my students can access and study these lessons at home?

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Alan –

      I’m very glad that your school purchased the Best Practices Course, and that your students are learning ArchiCAD!

      Students at your school may get their own account to login to the site at home for a small fee per student. Registration for student accounts is done in bulk; you can simply send in a list of names and email addresses. I’ll contact you to go over the details and make arrangements.


  110. JamesPowers
    12 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    Quick question. I had purchased the disc copies of your Best Practices course. To date I have received only disc 1 and 2 which go through week #9. Do you know when I can expect the rest of the discs? Thanks!


    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Jim –

      At this point, three disks have been produced and sent out to members who purchased the DVD set – disks 1 and 2 (that you mentioned) and also the QuickStart Course DVD. The others will be produced as I finish up each batch of lessons, and sent out one by one as soon as they are ready.

      I am finishing up Week 13 now, and should have Week 14 done within the next week or so; at that point I will produce the next DVD in the series, covering Weeks 10 – 14.


    • Ann HelenHassel
      12 years ago

      I have also purchased the discs and am wondering if they are sent or not. Haven’t received any, maybe because I live quite far away, oh well in Norway anyhow.

      Hope to hear from you.

      Ann Helén

      • Eric Bobrow
        12 years ago

        Ann Helén –

        I got your email about this a couple of days ago, and looked up our records. For some reason, although your enrollment was processed, I did not get an email notification about the DVD order, so no disks were shipped. When I discovered what had happened, I ordered them from our manufacturing facility, and they should ship out today by air mail. You will probably receive them next week.

        By the way, I replied to your email address right away (2 days ago) but it appears you might not have gotten my email. Please check your inbox or spam filter to see if you can find my reply – I’d like to make sure we can communicate easily about anything that you need!


  111. ThomasShumaker Jr
    12 years ago

    I have a Coaching Call on my calendar for today, Jan 31, 2012 at 9:00AM. No?


    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      JS –

      Yes, there was a coaching call today (January 31) at that time.

      Your coaching program membership is active since you signed up for the course in October 2011 and it runs through April 2012. An email was sent out on January 25 with registration links for the January 26 and 31 calls, and it appears in our records that you opened it (the system can track that in many cases).

      To attend the call, of course, you would have needed to click on one of the registration links and signed up, then you would have gotten an email with the link for attending the session.

      Please let me know if you have any questions.


  112. JohnWilson
    13 years ago


    Newby Achicad user Architect from decades on Intergraph, Microstation, etc. You are obviously a techno talent, but I think your teaching demeanor is even better. I am attempting to cram years of equivalent experience into a month transition window- impossible without you or a new hire, thanks for sharing your insight!

    Quick question- went through the Quick Start sessions and the Best Parctices up to week #5 and noticed the model house you developed had floor and roof framing componenets, foundations, exterior materials, etc. that was not covered in lessons. Did I miss a sequencing? Was I to go through the ‘Coaching Calls’ between the two courses?


    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      John –

      Thank you for your positive feedback about my teaching demeanor. I’m glad you have found the training materials helpful in your fast-track learning process.

      With regards to your question re the missing content – no, you have not missed something in between QuickStart and Best Practices. Obviously QuickStart is a brief introduction, and it cannot and should not cover all the details of using ArchiCAD.

      Best Practices is independent of QuickStart, and does not simply pick up where QuickStart leaves off. It starts with a general overview, and then goes into organizational principles, then later goes through 3D design and finally 2D documentation processes. Along the way, it is expected that all important work processes and tools will be addressed in some manner.

      The house model used in the demonstrations is derived from MasterTemplate, where it is provided as an example of how all the elements of a project tie together. There are many parts of the house that demonstrate techniques and options that are possible within ArchiCAD, and it functions as a learning tool for MasterTemplate users to study.

      For more information about MasterTemplate, please see


      P.S. Feel free to browse through the Course Index to the Coaching Calls to see where topics like those you mentioned are discussed. You’ll find the Course Index under the site navigation menu (above) in both the Best Practices Course menu and the Coaching Calls menu. This Google Doc is a searchable resource that allows you to see what topics are covered in each call, and at what point of the call (e.g. 13:18 through 25:50 would mean that the topic started 13 minutes and 18 seconds into the call, and ends at 25 minutes 50 seconds). This means you can open up a recording and jump right to the area in which your topic of interest is discussed.

  113. JonathanWeaver
    13 years ago


    Our firm standard has always to put a grey or in autoCAD parlance “Out of function” floor plan under the framing plan. Is there a way in the view settings to accomplish this for the framing plans. You may have covered something similar in one of your coaching calls/ modules but I was unable to find it.

    I echo many of the other notes herein, you ar a great teacher of the program.

    Thank You

    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      Jonathan –

      Thanks for your kind words about my teaching materials.

      With regards to your question, one way this can be accomplished easily is by creating a layer combination and associated View of the background information that you place onto the Layout sheet with a special pen set in which the pens are all grey. You will then place the framing plan information (properly aligned) on top as a separate drawing with the pens set to stand out appropriately.

      Another option is to draw the framing plan information with different pens than anything else in your plan, and create a special pen set that has these pens black or in a bright color, while all the rest are set to grey. This has the advantage that it is a single View and Drawing; the main limitation is that you have to have the discipline to draw the framing information using distinct pens from everything else.


  114. Paul Fewell
    13 years ago

    Eric, I have been blown away by The Best Practices Course. For many years now I have attempted to become proficient in my use of ArchiCAD. There is no doubt that ArchiCAD is a powerful tool and that its BIM approach is hitting the mark for our present day constructability needs in architectural drafting. However, the full use of this powerful tool is only realized to the extent to which the user is knowledgeable and proficient in its use. This course opens the door to that knowledge and proficiency. The course is extremely organized and your teaching method and style allows for individual growth at their own pace. I have been amazed over and over again as this course has progressed. You have explained in great detail the “How To’s” and have left nothing to chance. You are an excellent teacher. There is nothing like this course out there and WHAT A VALUE! I can’t think of any educational tool that I have every purchased that beats this value. You have provided more than anyone would ever expect. Thanks again!

  115. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Eric, I am making my way through your QuickStart course, and I’m really pleased with it so far. I started with AC ver 6 about 10 years ago, and it is amazing how much there is to learn from folks like you who are willing to organize and share.

    Over the years I’ve experienced at least as much time lost as time gained using AC in my little projects in my sole practice because Graphisoft’s User guide and Help functions are both hard to read and missing a few sentences here and there that might just be helpful to a user like me. So your conversational presentations, complete with your tone of voice and mouse movement, fill in very nicely.

    If you are open to a suggestion for future modules, if you haven’t done them already: 1.) Library management, and 2.) using a grey penset to develop live background plans for electrical, structural, etc., plans. For several projects, I’ve used the “Patch” feature to develop a grey floor plan background to overlay these special systems in a darker pen. But if the architectural floor plan changes, I have to update the patch and realign it with the outlets, switches, etc. If the background were “live,” I could change the electrical plan more readily.

    The AC library system is not as easy to manage as Graphisoft believes it is. For all these years, the library, where all the files are, and how and where to add new items has been a huge stumbling block. Fussing with the library accounts for many of the hours I have lost over the years.

    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      Bob –

      Thanks for your comments and your positive feedback about the QuickStart Course.

      Regarding library management, the Best Practices Course has several lessons on this topic. It is definitely a confusing area for many users. Fortunately, Graphisoft has made it easier in the last couple of versions to migrate projects forward and to manage custom library parts. The embedded library now makes it simple to add new items and keep track of them inside the project, while still retaining the flexibility to export or share them with other projects if you wish.

      Re the use of alternate pensets, this is a topic that I will be covering in some depth in an upcoming lesson in the Best Practices Course.

      I’m not sure I understand why you are using the Patch feature for the grey floor plan background. You can achieve the same effect in either of two ways that will keep the background “live”:

      1. Overlay two plan drawings on the layout sheet, one as a background with the grey penset, the other showing the electrical elements with normal pens. Layer controls for each View will allow you to isolate the elements that you want to show in each mode.

      2. Instead of changing the entire penset to grey, just do this for the pens used for walls and other elements to be seen as a background. Make sure to use a distinct pen or pens for the electrical or featured elements, and have the penset show these in color or with solid black instead of grey. Then you can have this all in one View and therefore one Drawing, without needing to use a Patch.

      You may want to consider upgrading your QuickStart membership to the full Best Practices Course so you can get the benefit of the other lessons on these important topics. You can get full credit for what you paid for the QuickStart Course when you register for the full course. To sign up and get this special credit, simply go to the navigation menu above and select The QuickStart Course > Upgrade to the Best Practices Course.


  116. Avatar photo
    Ewell Davenport
    13 years ago


    Hello, the time I have spent viewing the course videos has been greatly rewarded. Whenever you say that the following command is one which many users are unaware of it seems to always include me.

    I have been a user since version 9 but as a one person operation I have had no one more knowledgeable than myself to ask questions of or learn from. Your course has been a godsend.

    I am finding that, through trial and error, I have learned to do many things correctly and how to work around the tool boxes and settings. You are showing me how to do so far more quickly and efficiently.

    Next to purchasing ArchiCad this has been my best business investment.

    Eric these words do not begin to express my gratitude for what you have done and are doing for those of us using this software.

    Thank You!


  117. EarlApplegate
    13 years ago

    Just checking in to make sure that you are OK.


    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Earl –
      I am fine, thanks for asking. From your separate email, I understand that you have not received any emails from me since August 29. I have sent quite a few emails to course members during the past month. I checked, and these were all sent to your email address on file.

      To be specific, there were emails sent to you and other course members on the following dates:
      Sept. 26, Sept. 21, Sept. 15, Sept. 13, Sept. 10, Sept. 8, Sept. 7, Sept. 4, Sept. 1

      Please check your spam or junk mail folder to see if they somehow got filtered. Let me know.

  118. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I wanted to let you know I have been thrilled with every part of your Course so far. I truly had a phobia around CAD usage and had for years struggled with getting into Archicad, even though I had staff trying to assist.When I found out about your ‘Best Practices Course’ I hesitatingly signed up. Boy what a worthwhile decision.I finished the main Course to date and the QuickStart Course yesterday and logged my comments this morning. A short way into both areas of your ‘Courses’ I actually started looking forward to logging in each day and hearing your next instalment and all the little tips an gems. An added bonus is that I really enjoy your unique way of presenting things, congratulations on creating such a special and invaluable learning tool ! I eagerly look forward to the next instalments on the main Course.

  119. Avatar photo
    13 years ago


    Just to let you know that I have really been enjoying the course so far. I have watched all the videos including the QuickStart course videos. Even though I am a fairly experienced user I learn something new from every video even if it is only a tip, trick or shortcut. I say only but these are in fact little gems which make using ArchiCad that much easier and quicker. Furthermore, it is very reassuring to know that most of my ‘practices’ are considered to be ‘best’.

    I have also watched all the Coaching Call videos and learnt from those too.

    I look forward to the rest of the course(s) and more Coaching Calls.



    PS. I would recommend to all other members that they watch all the videos in full and in real time so that they discover those gems!

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Richard –
      Thank you for your feedback. I’m so glad to know that even the QuickStart lessons are teaching an old dog new tricks! ;->

  120. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I was wondering if it was possible to have an option for members to be identified in some sort of member’s list to facilitate networking. Sometimes it feels like we lonely ArchiCAD user’s are lost in the Autodesk wilderness out here and being able to locate other user’s in our area would be very useful. Just a thought…

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      John –
      I apologize for not replying to your comment sooner. This is an interesting idea. I’ll ponder how to implement a member’s list on a voluntary basis. Perhaps as a Google Doc which can be accessed with a password that’s only known to course members. I’ll let everyone know once I’ve got something set up.

  121. Eric
    13 years ago

    David –
    Thanks for signing up for the course. I’m glad to hear you liked the intro videos so much.
    I believe your DVD order actually went through. I’m out of the office right now, but I’ll check on it and make sure that you get the DVD added on to your order.

  122. Your Best Practices Course turned out to be what I have been waiting for since I have been working with Archicad since version 11. And this Enounce Myspeed program you threw in with your Best Practices Course helps me a lot when I want to search for a little part of a video I have seen already.


    WHO van Staveren
    architect bna
    Nieuwegein, NL

  123. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Dear Eric,
    Housekeeping help comment
    Week 6: Tip: Parameter Transfer – DOWNLOAD does not download.
    May need link to be repaired.

    Enjoyed your Webinar lat night 11pm my time 9am Tues your time.
    A good intro.
    Turns out I’ve been looking at your website since just before the previous time you had the $200 off offer But simply could not afford it then.
    So I bought the Best practices course yesterday – not knowing you’d sweeten the deal even further.
    No regrets about that.
    I think the course is great value for money.
    I’ve been using AC since 81.
    Ran my own practice on AC9 and 10 and then drifted into construction/project mgt.
    Dow want to get back up to speed and found AC14 and MEP modeling got pretty sophisticated.
    So really looking forward to getting back to basics and learning much better habits than I had over recent years.
    More power to you
    Oh, and thanks for emailing me a last-hour link to webinar. The second email never did come through, despite me registering from various email addresses all of which resulted in the first acknowledgement email arriving just fine.

  124. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Thanks heaps for your video’s.
    I’m in Australia, Country Victoria.
    The Coaching video’s are really appreciated, although I never really have enough time to view them in real time.
    I have been able to learn more than any of my past – wasted surfing.

    I was wondering.

    With master template, can I purchase it for less than the recommended $275 USD?

    Hope to have direct contact – one day.

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Stephen –
      Thanks for your kind words about the value of the coaching call videos.
      As a member of the Best Practices Course, you may purchase a license for MasterTemplate for $195, a savings of $80 off the standard price. I will email you a link so you can go ahead and purchase it at the reduced pricing. By the way, you will get AMT14 now and a free upgrade to AMT15 when it’s ready (probably in the June/July timeframe).

  125. Don Schleining
    13 years ago

    Eric-during a recent coaching session (maybe office hours) the topic of “garage doors” was explored. Has there been any further progress on the topic?


    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Don –
      No, I don’t believe there has been any further exploration of garage doors in any other coaching call. I haven’t seen if Graphisoft has improved the object library in ArchiCAD 15 in this area – I don’t have a copy of AC15 yet.

  126. AntonioReyes
    13 years ago

    Quisiera saber si existe alguna manera de comprar su curso pagando con moneda de Venezuela ya que no puedo comprar dolares en mi país.

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Thanks for your inquiry. We accept payments sent via Western Union, which may be made in your local currency and will be converted automatically to U.S. dollars. Please email me at and I will send you all the information you need to register.

      Translation by Google Translate / Traducción por Google Translate:
      Gracias por su consulta. Aceptamos pagos enviados por Western Union, que se puede hacer en su moneda local y se convertirán automáticamente a dólares de los EE.UU.. Por favor envíeme un correo electrónico a y te enviaremos toda la información que necesita para inscribirse.

  127. StewartBrecher
    13 years ago

    I am particularly interested in initial set up. Establishing layers, libraries, etc. I haven’t been able to stay with the web programs and keep my office open at the same time. When will the disc versions be available?


    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Stewart –
      The disk for the first month is in my hands – it arrived yesterday from the reproduction house! I’m waiting to hear from a few people I sent copies to, so that I can get their feedback to make sure it works for them nicely. Assuming it works OK (it should) then I’ll have all the disks mailed out by the end of the week.
      This is the disk for the first month’s lessons, weeks 1 through 4 plus the first two coaching calls. I’ll prepare the disk for weeks 5 through 9 as soon as that content is completed. Now that I have the format for the on-disk presentation, the conversion process should be quick and routine. Subsequent disks will be prepared after each set of 4 or 5 weeks of materials are completed.

      • Eric
        13 years ago

        For the record – the first volume of the disk set went out on Friday April 15, 2011 by mail to everyone who ordered one. I have received reports from several people saying they arrived safely and work well. If anyone has any questions, or problems playing their DVD, please send an email to me at

  128. Eric
    13 years ago

    Iain –
    I’ll be happy to address this on the next coaching call. You may also find extensive information on this topic in the MasterTemplate manual.

  129. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I’m having trouble migrating a project from ArchiCAD 11 to ArchiCAD 14. Initially, I can view the project perfectly in the 3D Window, but as soon as I try to look at any of the plans in the View Map the project disappears. I can’t even back up to when I first pasted it into my new project.

    I’ve sent an email with the compressed file, screen shots and a thorough description of the steps I took. I’d really appreciate it if you could take a look at it.

    Thanks again,


    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Mariya –

      Without looking at the file itself, my hunch is that you have copied and pasted the model without coordinating the layers with the template. This means that the model information is on layers that do not exist in MasterTemplate, and therefore when you click to activate any of the standard template views, those layers are turned off. As a quick test, try turning on all layers in the Layer Settings dialog, and see if your project reappears.

      I’ve addressed this layer synchronization process a number of times on the MasterTemplate site and I think even in the Best Practices Course somewhere along the line. In general, it’s best to use Attribute Manager to modify the layer naming in a copy of the project file to match MasterTemplate, then when you copy and paste the elements will show up on layers that the Views and Layer Combinations can manage.


  130. DavidBlackwell
    13 years ago

    Eric, all?/lots of my ArchiCAD files have errors in something or other. So I regularly get the message “Errors occurred during the last operation” when generating a 3D view, i.e. all my drawings are in 3D so most of the drawings will stall with this message and need an ‘enter’ click to proceed.
    So is there a smart procedure to find/identify these actual errors and then be able to get them sorted & gone?
    regards, David

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      David –

      Most of the time these errors have to do with invalid parameters for library parts; occasionally they may pertain to improperly formed polygons (for example, looping like a piece of a figure 8, where nodes backtrack over each other, sometimes in a tiny area that is hard to see).

      If you’re getting a message that summarizes the fact that there were errors (as you described) without seeing the details, then you’ve turned off “Interrupt with error messages” in your Work Environment > Imaging and Calculation section. In order to troubleshoot these errors, you’ll probably need to turn this back on, so that you can see what elements are causing the problem.

      Most of the time, the error messages will have an ID indicated, and you may be able to search the project using Find and Select to isolate the element with that ID. Sometimes you may need to do some brute force process of elimination analysis, by selecting part of the project and showing only that part in 3D (using Show Selection/Marquee in 3D, or by turning on and off layers), to see if the errors are occurring in that group of elements vs. other elements that are not being selected to view in 3D.

      Once you’ve isolated one or more problematic elements (e.g. windows, doors, objects most commonly, or perhaps a mesh or slab) you’ll need to look closely at the parameters or geometry. In the case of library parts, the most common cause of error messages in my experience are when sizes are set outside a reasonable limit; setting something to 0 size to try to hide or eliminate it can cause error messages. Sometimes it may have to do with missing Fills or Materials that are being specified in the parameters for the part. If it is a polygon element, look closely at areas with many nodes close together to see if they “make sense”.

      If you’d like to send me a file for examination, I can use it for demonstration of trouble-shooting techniques during a coaching call. I know that the next call is rather early for Australians (noon Pacific Time is perhaps 5 am for you), but there will be one of the calls this month at 3 pm Pacific, which should be a more reasonable time for you.

      I hope this quick answer is somewhat helpful, and as I said, I’m happy to take one of your files as a case study for demonstrating trouble-shooting to other course members.


  131. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric, I have a couple of questions:

    1) Is there a way to create stairs without picking creating it completely in the menu? So what I’m asking is if I can draw my staircase, in a way that would show me how many stairs I have left if I want to make a turn or two or add a landing? I remember doing this, but I’m not sure if I’m remembering it from a different software program.

    2. How do I change the default font that will print in all places on all my documents from Arial to Country Blueprint?

    3. How do I save views of my CDs with black backgrounds and the architecture and words in white? This is not something I plan on printing, but rather how I’d like my images to be viewed in an interactive document I am creating.

    4. Is there a way to add molding to all the walls without having to go into (I think it’s called) complex wall menu?

    Thanks in advance. Also, I’m so glad we’re starting week 8. I’m totally confused about where I’m supposed to start drawing. Right now I do everything in either the story I need things to appear on in the Project Map or in Preliminary Design underling Modeling in the View Map.

    Thank you,


    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Mariya –
      These are all good questions for our upcoming Coaching Call this Wednesday. I’ll answer some or all of them during the call. I hope you can attend – of course, you can watch the recording if that’s not possible.

  132. Hi, I have to convince my partner to use Archicad- he is an All-Plan- Nemescheck/ Autocad man. First of all- he asked me where can I select “ortho” command- when you can draw only on x and y axes. I use the shift key- but he dared me to find him this command or configuration. Please help me!:)

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Roxana-Elena –

      There is no “ortho” command in ArchiCAD.

      The shift key is one way you can constrain your direction of movement, and Guidelines are another way. If you have Guidelines turned on, you will see them show up near your cursor when you are gesturing to draw a line or drag an element near to an axis line; then you can move along that guide and easily maintain the ortho relationship using the automatic snap to that virtual line.

      Both the shift key and the guide lines will work for other angles as well, so they are more flexible and configurable than traditional ortho modes. So it depends on your point of view – do you want something that is easy to work with and more versatile (as we have in ArchiCAD) or do you want something “foolproof” but perhaps more limited in application (as in “ortho” mode). I can’t say one is better – but I’m very happy with the techniques we have available in ArchiCAD.


  133. James Hettinger
    13 years ago

    Hello Eric,
    How do I import the 3D objects found in sweets and various suppliers into ArchiCAD? The options are Revit and others. The object folder is different with 14 from the version of 7 that I last used. I know I ought to wait but I need “object” information right now. Does that make sense?

    After being away and going to the dark side for several years it is nice to be working in true BIM environment and I look forward to your course material to assist the transition.

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Jim –
      You may bring in 3D objects from a variety of sources using different methods.

      1) File menu > Libraries and Objects > Open Object will allow you to select a DWG file and create a new native ArchiCAD object from it. It will contain the geometry but the materials will be simple colors based on the pens used in the original DWG file. It is possible to parametrize the materials but this requires some additional manipulation of the object file. I will cover this in the section of the course on creating your own objects.

      2) You may import 3DS files if you install the free Goodie called 3DS import. Go to the Help menu and select ArchiCAD Downloads or ArchiCAD Goodies (depending on which version of ArchiCAD you have) and you’ll go to a page on the Graphisoft website that has various free add-ons to ArchiCAD. Look for and install the 3DS Import plugin. You’ll then have new commands under the Design menu that will import 3DS files and convert them to native ArchiCAD objects. They will come in with materials if the 3DS file has them available. NOTE: 3DS files tend to be polygon intensive, so use with care – you can slow down your file if you add a lot of these.

      3) You can bring in SketchUp objects (SKP) if you are on Windows and install the free Google Earth Connections plug-in (available on the Graphisoft website). This allows you to browse and import components from the 3D Warehouse that Google manages. If you are on Mac, you can potentially import these objects using a Windows version of ArchiCAD then copy the converted objects to use – they end up cross-platform, even though the plug-in is only available for Windows.

      4) You can import elements from Revit using IFC import. Basically, you need to place the Revit components into a Revit file, then save a copy of the file in IFC format, then import the IFC file into ArchiCAD. During the import, the components will be translated into ArchiCAD native objects.

      I hope this brief introduction is helpful. This is a deep topic, and this is all I can share with you right now – but more will be included in the course later on. If your requirements are urgent, I can help you on a consulting basis; alternatively, we could deal with one of these (pick one of items 1 through 4) and send me a file (DWG, 3DS, SKP, etc.) during a coaching call.


  134. Noel Yaxley
    13 years ago

    does anybody know if there is a way to zoom in and out of the preview window. (like you do in Artlantis for anyone who is familiar with that porgram.) would be nice if you could do the same in Archicad???

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Noel –

      I’m not sure if this is possible. I believe the scale of the preview window is set by the extents of the plan image, and can be refreshed and update if you change what layers are turned on and off. So for example, if your site boundary is showing, your preview will be shrunk down so it includes the site; if you turn off the layers with site information, and refresh the preview window, I think it will resize to show the building larger.

      Also note that you can detach the preview window from the docked position and resize it to be larger if you wish. This is not as powerful as being able to zoom in and out like in Artlantis, but it will be helpful sometimes.


  135. Antony Cooper
    13 years ago

    Hello Eric,
    I’m enjoying the course very much, and I have heard you are considering running an additional course on GDL script. If you do decide to run this course, myself and I am sure a lot of others would be interested in taking it. I feel that it would also make sense for you because you only make the videos once and further to making extra money on this course you can include them in future courses – thus increasing your profits and you further improve the marketability of the course. Hope you run this course kind regards Antony

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Antony –
      After I complete the creation of the current course materials (which will take a while) then I’ll certainly consider additional modules including one on GDL. Thanks for your suggestions and encouragement.

  136. Jim Belisle
    13 years ago


    Your “Coach Calls” are very, very helpful.
    I enjoy them!
    I like your presentation style!
    -you tell me what you are going to show me,
    -you show/tell me,
    -you show/tell me what you told/showed me!!!

    Very helpful, as by the third time I might just understand…. maybe.
    I love ArchiCAD, but I am slow.

    Best wishes,

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Jim –
      Thanks for your feedback – I greatly appreciate your kind words!

  137. Avatar photo
    Mark Moscrip
    13 years ago

    Hello Eric,

    It is a stroke of genius for you to offer this course, well maybe a stroke of insanity considering the amount of work involved. Other than ArchiTalk, which is a lifesaver, I have limited AC support. Mine is a solo practice, so this course is like having an “seasoned hand” at my disposal. Thanks for sharing, the price of admission is well worth the information presented.

    The Best Practices information is well organized and the screen capture videos are a great delivery method. In addition to the BP presentation, there are many shortcuts and tool handling tips that are invaluable to the solo AC user. Imagine, I have no one’s shoulder to look over, no one muttering “aha, that’s how you do it”. To watch you clarify fine distinctions of tool usage or raising issues such as combining the Floor Plan Cut Plane and a new Viewpoint of the story (plan) to create a split level home plan is clever and more BIM-like than my previous solutions.
    I have read your AECBytes articles, watched the free videos on your websites, and have been impressed with both your passion for ArchiCad and willingness to share with the AC community.

    My gushing accolades out of the way, here’s my question:

    The placement of a legend of visual favorites on a worksheet has me stumped. Worksheets seem to only allow primitives; no elements such as walls; nor objects. Obviously, you have worked around this limitation. After reading your AECbytes, Tips and Tricks, Issue #30 (May 29, 2008), sadly, I am still unable to replicate your feat. Any guidance would be appreciated.

    PS. How does one add a mug shot to the member profile?

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Mark –
      Thank you for your kind words!
      I will be addressing the question of visual favorites in the materials for Week #6, coming very soon!
      Re adding a photo (“mug shot”) – it looks like you’ve already figured it out…but basically, go to the Account > Membership Profile page, and follow the link and instructions there.

  138. Diana T.
    13 years ago

    Just logged in for the first time… Thank you very much for this opportunity. I really want to master ArchiCAD! 🙂

  139. Avatar photo
    John Dunham
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I look forward to seeing how easy all those painful hours of learning without much help could have been… 🙂

    13 years ago

    Hi Eric

    Looking forward to get your expert tips on different topics through this course –

    even for the coming ver. AC 15 !


    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Welcome Steinar –
      I believe you are the first person in the course from Norway.
      Just before you signed up tonight, we had someone from Mozambique, another from Spain, one from Romania, and just at the midnight deadline, Ben Ling from Vancouver Canada. What a wonderful world community of ArchiCAD users – I’m thrilled!

  141. Gerard Bolt
    13 years ago

    hi Eric,
    Its done, after a little cajoling from your side. Since I make live architecture using ArchiCAD, no investment to enhance the effectiveness of this [very]smart software can ever be wasted. Looking forward to this!
    ciao – Gerard Bolt

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Gerard –
      Welcome to the Best Practices Course!
      I’m glad to see you are investing in yourself, and look forward to working with you.

  142. Avatar photo
    Graham Richmond
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I’ve just signed up for the course… found your YouTube and AECbytes Tips&Tricks really helpful.

    Thought I’d pass on a couple of observations from my initial login experience. Firstly, the User Profile does not default to the correct country from the sign-up information. It defaults to United States… had to update my profile to Australia. And secondly, the Login page is not remembering my details and the login page appears to be coded to prevent the browser from using it’s own code to remember login details (at least that’s whats happening with the Google Chrome browser).

    After teaching myself ArchiCAD for about 12 months, I’m looking forward to exploiting the power and efficiency of the program through your course.

    Cheers… Graham

  143. Diane Waingrow
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    So far so good, and I really appreciated the 4 part template description. I had never looked at the program so logically in it’s entirety. I was trying to find a description of the full course – will you be doing an in depth explanation of the tools? Specifically, I really struggle with the mesh tool and I would love to get a series of simple exercises with which to practice (elevating points, creating hole, editing heights, etc…).

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Diane –

      Thanks for your comments.

      As I noted in an email a couple of weeks ago, the course outline is now posted on this page:

      You can also reach the Course Outline page from the site navigation menu under The Course.

      I have a section scheduled for working with the mesh tool which I’m sure you’ll appreciate.
      Best regards,

  144. Marshall Rossiter
    14 years ago

    I just got this and am in the preview mode…I just noticed that your pricing that I say on the home page has expired…as it is past Dec. 31, 10…and today is Jan. 25, 11…so what is the price now?

    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Marsh –

      Thanks for your note and your interest in the course. Registration is currently closed, but I am planning to reopen it for one week in mid-February for a price of $497 (rather than the $397 opening launch special).

      The reopening, as well as the price change, is happening because I have a bunch of ArchiCAD resellers and distributors who would like to share the course with their user lists – which is great – and I will be giving them some commission for each of their clients who signs up.

      Since you signed up for the free preview, you’ll be getting emails from me over the next few weeks telling you about new website materials and the relaunch details. Stay tuned!


  145. allen de carteret
    14 years ago

    as a remotely located sole practitioner ,your course is the right thing at the right time, I am looking forward to each episode and the developing format…..the comments on accreditation are of great interest….this would be a natural development to help integrate the course in the landscape of what we do…where ever we are positioned on a GPS

  146. John Stanford
    14 years ago

    Re: Updating the Master Template
    I’ve had the pleasure of finding funky remnants of previous projects enough times on printed files
    that I avoid doing things on the fly if at all possible. The core value of the template is to have a reliable base document to produce consistent results in your work. It doesn’t take much time to alter your template to a ‘current’ status, and if it does, you can simply save it as a work in progress until you complete the task.

    • Eric
      14 years ago

      John –
      Very well said! I agree 100%.

  147. Robert Stensland
    14 years ago

    I have been an Archicad user for about 3 years, and have only viewed a couple of sessions, but each of the sessions has addressed things I didn’t even know Archicad could do. I have tried a lot of different types of training, but Eric seems to have a better understanding of how Archicad was designed to be used. Looking forward to my next session.

    Robert Stensland – Dallas Texas

  148. Avatar photo
    David R Olufs
    14 years ago

    As this course evolves, will you provide a forum for communication, questions, etc. between members? Dave

    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Dave –

      Great idea! I have Simple:Press Forum on the MasterTemplate website, but am looking at the much more sophisticated (and complex) vBulletin system. I’ll try to get something set up within the next week or so.

      If you have any further suggestions or ideas concerning this topic, please reply here or send me an email.


  149. Yvonne Vail
    14 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    Thank you for letting people view a preview of your Best Practices! Unfortunately for me, I cannot take advantage of your course due to the economy. I still do not have any work, and it seems from talking to others in Santa Cruz that things are very slow right now.
    Also, I really liked what you had to say about the turning point in your career! And I am glad that this is all working out so well for you. It was very inspiring to me, and I hope that I will be able to find a turning point too.
    May you and your family have a very Happy New Year!
    Yvonne Vail

    14 years ago

    lastima que no tenga una version en español

    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Perhaps I might be able to translate the materials into Spanish at a future date. There are several members of the Best Practices Course from Spain or Latin America. I am definitely interested in this, but it will have to wait for a while.

  151. Fadwa Dahhan
    14 years ago

    je ne commprent pas longler si vous pouver menvoiyer les coure en frencai
    et merci
    mrci jai cliquer sur se web syt que vopus mavait donne mais il ya aucin reponse

    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Fadwa –

      Please excuse me – my French is not very good.

      I believe you asked whether the course is available in French. I’m sorry, at this point the course is English only. However, I will be preparing written transcripts of the videos, which might make it easier to understand compared to the spoken word. One can even try using Google Translate with the transcripts to get a rough translation to help follow along.

      The image above is not a video, so clicking on it will not play anything. The actual videos are found under The Course heading in the various modules for each week of the course.


  152. Jeffry Jaochico
    14 years ago

    How can i download other Achicad Tps too?

  153. Jeffry Jaochico
    14 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    Can you send me other Achicad tips that you think i should known by now… by the way no video appear.

  154. Wendy Hoechstetter
    14 years ago

    Hi, Eric,

    What’s up? I can’t access any of the videos. I’m behind and need to get caught up.



    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Wendy –
      I sent you an email explaining the problem. Please call me so we can straighten it out. Thanks!

  155. Avatar photo
    14 years ago


    Just downloaded and viewed your Best Practices videos. This is a high-end course indeed!
    Eric, you are a wizard!


    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Thank you so much for your enthusiastic feedback! Glad you dropped by – there’s lots more coming, if you sign up for the full course. Let me know if you have any questions about signing up.

  156. Robert Biscoe
    14 years ago

    Just had a quick look at week 2/ part 1 “getting organised” tutorial and thought you might like to share a handy application R-Name ( Mac and PC) that allows batch renaming of files. I noticed you were manually renaming the generic “Project” into specific “Smith House” manually.

    R-Name allows this to be done in a few seconds. Just drop the Master folder onto the application icon and a dialogue comes up asking if you want to rename a batch of files, or add additional file info. I think it is free or shareware.

    We have found this saves a lot of time.

    Robert Biscoe

    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Robert –
      Thanks for sharing the information on R-Name. I had used batch renaming utilities in the past, but haven’t for a while so I didn’t have the information handy. A utility like this one (and there are others you can find if you search) is particularly useful if you prefer to have all your project subfolders to have an identifier (the name or numeric ID of your project).

  157. Richard Diniakos
    14 years ago

    It’s been interesting—I’m inspired—watching the tension in your progress, going through the changed relationship with Graphisoft, reading the—too many for me—email sales pitches, putting a class together on Best Practices. At this point I’d say it’s a grand success; gathering a large diverse group of people and almost $40k in your pocket, a big chunk of worthwhile work for the new year. You’re sharing insights and a vision shaped by years of immersion in architecture offices learning how to use a powerful tool well. In the MasterTemplate you’ve put this experience into form, providing a practical level of structure and access to a pathway for folks to follow, work within*. I see that coalescing your insights into a single course of instruction, Best Practices, is both smart business and potentially of great help to your class members, myself included.

    The general point of my email addressing and likely affirms what you already know: the people who’ve signed up for the class are your client, your base of support; we/I want greater facility with the tool. If there’s anything to offer you it’s to possibly course-correct your process and give a few ideas. Speaking beyond career and $, I suggest that serving your base client well is perhaps a doorway into greater depth as well as financial success. The following centers around this basic idea, exploring what it means to serve well. We’re around the same age; my perspective, like your I’d bet, has been hard won and made conscious through my life experience. Also, my art background has fostered the idea of quality, essence, meaning as essential elements that engender the depth I’m speaking of here and desire in my own life.

    Please bear with my biases, my abruptness where it shows. With that introduction Eric here are the basics of what’s occurred to me:

    The tuft stuff first. Boost the serving-my-client activity, cut back (please) on the salesman activity. (For me emails from you with words in capitals like ‘URGENT’ amount to noise, yelling. Giving me a just a moment or a day to decide if I want/need to spend another $100. for a DVD after I’ve just—painfully—put out $400. just pisses me off; how about a week or a month; why manipulate those who are supporting you. Frankly, my life is important not your sales. Please stop imposing your needs; it may work for sales but.. it’s obnoxious. (As is my rant). Maybe you’re a salesman by nature** or maybe you can let what was constant in your role as Graphisoft representative rest. For now, I’ve paid for you to be an educator, I’ve paid for your services, that’s what I’m after. You’ve communicated your vision, you’ve landed on firm ground, you are safe (I assume for the moment). Perhaps, allowing some time for the course to sink-in for people is in order. Perhaps, the exercise of trusting that your good work will, in due time, offer the acknowledgements (marketing blurbs) that will help you continue to bring in more business. Perhaps, surrendering to the flow of the vision you’ve created, enjoying the process of learning to communicate well is what’s in order—the more meaningful activity. Trust in all forms is, I think, another great gift.

    Be an informed User Advocate for us: embrace the practical benefits of this unfettered manner of thinking—you’re no longer a Graphisoft representative.. This freedom allows you to look at ArchiCAD from the user’s point of view. For example: ask the question “What’s missing in ArchiCAD”? There are many areas that are weak. In some the novice user gets led around by the nose thinking it’s their lack of knowledge rather than *poorly conceived software design solutions. Talking about these weaknesses will give us a heads up; that’s helpful for someone alone in the trenches. Shed some unbiased light on the current state of ArchiCAD and maybe come up with workarounds. Design solutions in concert with your base community; solutions that work with their needs first. (ie. this evolving discussion on the use of Graphisoft’s supplied GDL library parts was really helpful in understanding my struggle was with poor tool design not my ability to understand ***

    Love your clients. Challenge yourself to serve their needs, enjoy it with all the talent, knowledge, and care you can muster…and then some. Current study of “happiness” says that bringing all of one’s talents and abilities to a meaningful goal is how we culture a deep sense of peace in our lives. I think we’d agree, making money is about taking care of your families needs and is fundamental. I imagine this point sounds odd. For myself caring for the people who trust that I’m working for them, a genuine attitude of caring, lets me put my ego aside and really listen to their needs. I’m always enriched when bringing this attitude into practice.

    Best Practices Talk: facilitate community by providing an online chat room, help us talk among ourselves. Respond to what develops by further structuring the chat room into a website. Listen and respond to what’s said. If you can serve this group of people striving to integrate ArchiCAD into their practice, do so. Your participation as advocate would no doubt be welcomed. With further appreciation of the user point of view your ability to understand fundamental problems will be enhanced. All this would likely lead to more creative solutions and opportunities. Many of us are sole practitioners and can use a smaller, more focused forum for working things out.

    Use new (better?) models of ‘explaining’ concepts and ‘systems’ based visual learning tools. Don’t get me wrong here, I think you’re doing a good job of it. How about reaching out beyond an outlining method of structured learning—for the visual thinkers in the group. Explaining things with video is a communication art worth developing. Generally I get your movies; I especially liked your recent “Favorites” video; it’s succinct. You seem to have scripted it or know so clearly what your demonstrating you are present. I think when I’m present I connect, I’m easier to read. (The first in the series was kind of slow and stiff for me. No offense you’re a handsome guy—but, I don’t want to see that much of you). Here are a few points worth considering:
    -Systems thinking facilitates learning: Understanding hierarchies of information in context helps me learn. Just like ‘good design’, when the link between two items is made clear a larger context is exposed, experienced, understood, appreciated; more brain synapse connect. So… by continually having access to the big picture while exploring levels of detail I see the why of it all, the gestalt more easily. I find that the visual device of Mind-Mapping to an excellent tool to provide quick access to lots of information—visual links of parts and wholes. Here’s some great software that if used in your videos (your file could be made available to us on the web) would far surpass the outline view of what’s being addressed: The Brain
    -Capturing the essence, elegant explanation (I’ve mentioned this to you in a phone conversation awhile ago.) The videos from this website are masterful at capturing sometimes difficult concepts in short segments of visual explanation; CommonCraft . I think working with ArchiCAD while explaining something holds the same dynamic elements for an elegant presentation of ideas. Again your ‘Favorites’ video did this well.
    -Example of not so good video learning: Learn Virtual wastes my time; sitting in a virtual classroom for an hour and getting 40 minutes of useful information is a drag. I don’t want to watch the cursor move while the presenter is thinking what to do next or struggling with whatever. I assume the presenter follows an extremely loose outline, no script. Also there’s a very poor search script which doesn’t allow finding videos on specific topics, these video are minimally scripted, based on outlines, and not editing.
    -Let me search for a particular topic on the fly, while I’m working on a job (Not sure how you’d do this but I know it would be helpful. If say I want to review How to Save a Favorite folder and not waste time looking at the whole video make this available somehow. Actually, this could be integrated into a master mind-mapping file, again, on the web.

    There you go Eric.


    *I remember thinking, as the world and potential of computers and software first struck me back in the 80’s, software has the potential to be extremely powerful. Users submit to the rules and structure that has been designed. Submit is the right word; stepping in to the software designers construct we are at the mercy of their abilities, limitations, lack of care or resources, vision, at least until we learn enough to know what we are dealing with.

    **I’ve heard people who are salesmen are easy to sell to. It’s as though a salesman doesn’t understand or can’t let himself see the distinction between his/her needs—to sell—and their ‘customers’ needs. In defining a person as a ‘customer’ that person is no longer seen. The role customer/salesman is contrived crap. Even with this perspective of mine I find it helpful to occasionally give time to a person who believes in something. I’ll listen, maybe this thing will serve me.

    ***This is why I like the Rill Architect’s On Land open website . James Murray is an expert user. His lack of formal ties with Graphisoft allows him to be a very strong voice and advocate for less sophisticated users.

    • JonathanWeaver
      13 years ago

      An excellent and thoughtful critique to the course as it progresses.

  158. Gregory Dobrzelewski
    14 years ago


    Well….So far so good. We’re only just getting started. There is so much to learn about Archicad.

    Your Best practices Course allows me the time I need to review and implement the information you are teaching.

    I have already been able to expand my ability to use Archicad effectively by participating in your course. I look forward to gaining additional insight into Archicad with your help and guidance.



  159. Bruce Brunton
    14 years ago


    I have now downloaded and viewed the first components of your ArchiCAD Best Practices Course.

    As a veteran ArchiCAD user, and one time ArchiCAD Reseller, based in Western Australia, I am very re-assured to see that we are generally on the same wavelength, across all the ArchiCAD fundamentals – even though we are on opposite sides of the planet.

    Having said that, there is always something to learn and I can already see that some of my own general ArchiCAD practices/setup could and would benefit from an update in accord with all of your Best Practice suggestions.

    From a general (ArchiCAD) eduactional aspect, I am very impressed by your high standard of presentation, the quality of the Course content this far and your easy to understand manner of delivery. I would recommend that all “novice” ArchiCAD users get on board with Eric as soon as possible.


  160. William Buttmi
    14 years ago


    Sweet! ArchiCAD should be set up with MasterTemplate from the get go! And now a very practical and informative tutorial to learn and be more productive within ArchiCAD is icing on the cake. Eagerly looking for to the next course.

    Thank you very much,


  161. Avatar photo
    Chris Sparks
    14 years ago

    Hello Eric,

    Even after using ArchiCAD for several years now, and being a regular subscription member for both archiplus and Learn Virtual, I still typically find something in each of your discussions and articles, and especially your “Master Template,” I didn’t know, or a better way of doing things.

    You seem to have a knack for teaching as you are very good at what you do, patient and very clear in your presentation.

    Looking forward to seeing the rest of the course material!



  162. Gerald Brinlee
    14 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I thoroughly enjoyed your first Lesson. The presentation was well presented and though basic in nature – we all need reminding of the little things that add to the larger picture. I dont think you can emphazise the “file structure” enough – so often we jump in with both feet and find we could have saved so much more time, had we set the file up appropriately.
    I look forward to all the lessons – your knowledge is unmeasurable – thanks for allowing us to learn from you.

  163. Kelly Cole
    14 years ago


    I have been a fan of yours since you launched Master Template 12. I am self-taught, but continue to try to learn all I can about Archicad. I learned tons just from purchasing and reviewing Master Template. I incorporated Master Template into my designs and have stuck with it ever since. That got me hooked and have since been following you and your “life transition”. Lucky for us you decided to do this. I have watched all of your online videos prior to this tutorial and, after watching the first videos of the Best Practices Course, I can’t wait for next weeks course. You keep me motivated to continue learning, designing and trying your tips. I wish I could go back a few years and apply what I have learned from you. Life would have been much easier!

  164. Avatar photo
    Roderick Anderson
    14 years ago


    Your advice about saving often and keeping backups cannot be more obvious but it is impressive how many people either do not pay enough attention to this or simply delegate it to somebody at the office who more often than not just procrastinates about it or does it a few times and then lacks the discipline to make this work.

    I personally can say that the value of doing this regularly is priceless!!!! Four years ago my office was broken into, a total of 10 computers were stolen. Thankfully from even then I had a foolproof backup discipline that is not even boring to do (I will describe in a minute) which I would recommend to any of your other users. To bring into perspective the importance of doing backups, not long after my burglary I found out that the same had happened to another practice similar to mine, but the firm owner lacked knowledge in technology and just assigned a draftsman in charge of the backups. The draftsman never did them, and nobody was keeping track of it. They lost over 9 months of work, had to start from scratch on projects they were working on, had to redo entire sets of plans of projects recently completed, and worst of all were even sued by a couple of clients for not delivering projects on schedule and for losing their projects information!!!

    My personal backup system is based on the premise of discipline and organization, and maybe being a bit of a workaholic. I have a small firm, where staff members are obligated to copy every day their day’s work to the main server. Myself, as the firm owner, have a desktop computer at my office, a desktop computer at home, and a laptop for working on the go. Working efficiently means keeping them in sync.

    Therefore, I use synchronization software to be able to take my work home and back. What I do is that at the end of the day, I sync my office server with my office desktop, then my office desktop with a portable high-speed external drive (preferably FireWire 800 or e-sata), then when I get home, I sync with my home desktop to do some work. If I am going to work on the go, the I also sync with my laptop. At the end of the night I sync the night’s work back to the portable drive, to take to the office the next day, and at the start of the day I do the inverse of the process. Even though it sounds complicated, it is not at all, I do this in less than 5 to 7 minutes overall every time, since the key to synchronization software is that it only copies files that are changed or new, so it is really fast to do.

    Currently my computers are all Macs, and for which the best one I have found so far is Chronosync 4, which I highly recommend. When I worked on PCs, the best I had found is Viceversa Pro. Both are simple and capable softwares.

    If you analyze my system, I always have a total of 5 always current and updated copies of my data (server, office desktop, home desktop, portable drive, and laptop) and to this I add two more, since both desktops I have hooked up to external drives which do automatic backups through Apple’s Time Machine – seven backups in total!!!!!

    Hopefully some may find value in this and implement it. I can say that this saved my business four years ago. I did not lose even a day of work, bought new computers for everybody and in a couple of days was back up and running.

  165. admin
    14 years ago

    @Xavier – I will make sure that the materials and explanations can be understood by both USA and International users. I’ve done this before for MasterTemplate, and will do my best to serve all users here in the Best Practices Course. Please let me know if any of the terminology or references are unclear.

    @Gerald and Wendy – I will look into this at a later date. Right now I need to focus on creating and delivering a great course!

    @To All – Please continue to add your comments and questions. You can use this page for general notes; if questions relate to specific content or materials, it would be good to make your comments on the individual page that you’re referring to.


  166. Xavier Palou
    14 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    Please pay attention to include materials and explanations also for International (No USA) users.

    As you know there are some differences between USA and INTL. versions.

    Thanks in advance !!!

  167. Wendy Hoechstetter
    14 years ago

    That would be nice, Gerald; I agree. If official AIA learning units were available, that would be even better.

    There’s a process a CEU provider has to go through to get approval to do that, though; it’s not just issuing a certificate. I don’t know if Eric is planning to do it.

  168. Gerald Brinlee
    14 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    Quick question?- will it be possible to receive a Certificate of Completion for each course – as an Architect we need to obtain LU’s Learning Units in order to complie with our local licensing board.
    This could be a very good marketing tool for you too.

    I’m excited to be learning from the BEST!

  169. David Kim
    14 years ago

    Looking forward to this! and especially appreciate the DVD option since my internet connection is slow.

  170. admin
    14 years ago

    Sia –

    Thanks for letting me know about the email issue you’re experiencing. I don’t know what this error message means.

    At this point, all emails sent to (where xyz could be any text) are automatically forwarded to my personal email

    Please try sending an email directly to and let me know what happens.


  171. Siamak Yaghmai
    14 years ago

    Eric, I have tried sending you e-mails to all addresses I have for you, and keep getting similar message to the one below:
    Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

    Sent: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 13:32:59 -0800
    Subject: Fwd: Undeliverable: Fwd: Undeliverable: Please Call Me

    The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
    Error Type: SMTP
    Remote server ( issued an error.
    hMailServer sent: .
    Remote server replied: 500 Line limit exceeded


  172. Eric Bobrow
    14 years ago

    Thank you – I’m excited and looking forward to the journey we’ll be taking together!

  173. Avatar photo
    Chris Sinkinson
    14 years ago

    Really looking forward to this, as mentioned before you are the master of easy explanations. I expect my work to speed up (and possibly tidy up) over the coming weeks as I soak up these best practices and build them into my workflow.

  174. Andrew Fedorowicz
    14 years ago

    I feel excited and I’m glad to be working with you.