Week #15 – Advanced Selection and Editing

This module teaches advanced methods for selecting elements and editing them quickly and precisely. Each lesson includes a quick review of basic functionality, then layers in various subtle options that will speed your work.

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Thank you for visiting the Best Practices Course website. The video lessons are available for members only. If you are an active member and would like to watch the ArchiCAD training video on this page, please login to the website. If you are not currently a member, please visit the following pages for more information and to sign up for the Best Practices Course, the QuickStart Course or for the Best Practices ArchiCAD Coaching Program. Eric Bobrow, Creator of the Best Practices Course

This 29 minute lesson starts with a quick review of ArchiCAD basics, the use of the Arrow tool and Shift-key for selection, then moves into some of the more advanced and subtle options available to speed your work. Stretching the model with the Marquee tool is also discussed at length.

This 44 minute lesson covers a wide range of powerful methods for selecting elements quickly and precisely.

This 44 minute lesson covers a wide range of powerful methods for selecting elements quickly and precisely.

This 38 minute ArchiCAD training lesson extends the discussion of the Pet Palette with reference to editable hotspots and movable sub-elements.

In this 29 minute ArchiCAD training lesson, I share some of my favorite ways to work on the model, directly in the 3D window and Section windows.

In this 29 minute ArchiCAD training lesson, I share some of my favorite ways to work on the model, directly in the 3D window and Section windows.

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