Week #17 – Complex Modeling
17-3. Multi-Story Buildings

ArchiCAD Training (Best Practices Lesson 17-3)

In this 31 minute ArchiCAD training we look at a range of modeling strategies for multi-story buildings. We start with a basic box of walls and add a second set of walls on top, then start to add basic details such as floor slabs.

As the lesson proceeds, more sophisticated strategies are employed including Solid Element Operations and Complex Profiles in order to create a model that creates clean and progressively more detailed section drawings.

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P.S. This was originally published on my ArchiCAD Tutorials YouTube channel, but I intended this from the start to be a lesson for the Best Practices Course.

ArchiCAD Training: Multi-Story Projects

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  1. Avatar photo
    9 years ago

    Eric, good stuff. When I work with multiple stories, what I am finding is that if the wall extends (to high) it becomes transparent (fills disappear). I have played with the cut plans option as well as worked with the dialogue box where I can tell the wall to appear on all relevant stories. Neither have been effective. What would u suggest?

    Also, I would be interested in paying you for an hour of your time one-on-one. Let me know if that is possible and also your schedule. Many thanks in advance,

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Hi Bryan –
      When the wall extends to multiple stories, and you choose the option to appear on all relevant stories (and use one of the standard Projected options – Projected, Projected with Overhead, or Cut Only), it should show normally (with cut fills) if the wall passes through the active Floor Plan Cut Plane. If it stops below the cutting plane, then you’ll see it with no fills, just an outline, as it is not being cut through. If this isn’t happening properly, I’m not sure what else is going on in the context of your project – I’d have to see it to diagnose the issue.
      I will email you so we can work out a time to work one-on-one.

  2. Avatar photo
    11 years ago


    It is no surprise that you have done it once again. Enlightenment.
    Yep…. I’ve been doing most of what I’ve seen in this lesson but there were a number of little things you have shown that will help save time, improve my methods, and give me a better model. Simple little things that I should have thought of myself like the fill triangles for the top and bottom plates. Excellent for saving time in detailing.
    Thanks again,