Week #16 – Roof Modeling and Documentation
16-6. Connecting Roofs in ArchiCAD 14 and Earlier

ArchiCAD Training (Best Practices Lesson 16-6)

This 24 minute ArchiCAD training lesson explores the methods that may be used to connect roofs to each other, focusing on adding a gable extension to a simple hip roof system.

The lesson is conducted using ArchiCAD 14, and it applies directly to earlier versions as well. In ArchiCAD 15 and later, roof construction has changed and we will cover this in the next lesson; however there are times even in later versions that the methods shown here may be necessary, due to the limitations in the newer multi-plane roof tool.

After a basic rectangular building is drawn with a hip roof, a gable extension is created. Using the Command-click or CTRL-click method, roof edges are quickly repositioned to the location where they will meet the selected roof. Quick manipulations create overhangs and trim the walls to the roofs using Solid Element Operations, and the gable extension is completed.

One variation is made: the slope of the gable is changed. The roof edges need to be repositioned, which is done by selecting the main roof and Command or CTRL-clicking on the valley edges of the gable; the cutout for the main roof, as well as the extents of the overhangs, also need manual adjustment.

The slope changes are reversed using the Undo command multiple times, then the gable extension is duplicated twice, each time with a different pivot line height. First the version with a higher plate is cleaned up, then the one with the lower pivot line. In each case, a combination of manipulations is able to clean up the roofs to each other and set the walls properly.

Two final demonstrations are made showing how the gable extension can be moved in line with the hip at one end, and the hip roof contour polygon can be adjusted to include what formerly was an independent gable piece.

Please post your comments and questions below.


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ArchiCAD Training: Connecting Roofs in ArchiCAD 14 and Earlier

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  1. MattJoyner
    11 years ago

    This is an excellent video to get some basics on creating / tying in different roofs with different plate / bearing heights. It ties alot of the basic concepts together for both walls and roofs.

  2. Salma Mussá
    11 years ago


    This lesson is so helpfull.
    I am glad, you answer my doubt.

    Thank you,

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Salma –
      Thank you for your kind words – I appreciate getting the feedback!

  3. DavidParsons
    12 years ago

    The explanations were very concise and shows just how quickly the the varing roof shapes can be manipulated. I wil be visiting this lesson again in the future as a reference source.

    Thanks again,

    David Parsons

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      David –
      Thank you for your kind words.
      I’m pleased that you feel the video has such clear and useful information that you will watch it again!