Week #16 – Roof Modeling and Documentation
16-5. Simple Hip and Gable Roof Systems

ArchiCAD Training (Best Practices Lesson 16-5)

This 42 minute ArchiCAD training lesson explores basic creation and manipulation of simple hip and gable roof systems, those with a single plate height.

The demonstrations are done in ArchiCAD 14 (representing the methods used in ArchiCAD 10 through 14) and then repeated with variations in ArchiCAD 16 (showing the new options available starting in ArchiCAD 15 for working with multi-plane roofs). Users of ArchiCAD 15 and later will find it useful to watch the entire presentation, since there are times when you may need to split up multi-plane roofs into single plane roofs, or create them from scratch, in order to achieve certain results.

Manipulations include changing overall parameters for a roof system such as slope angle, overhang, material, and line-type style; as well as modifying the slope of individual roof planes, removing a hip roof plane to create a gable, and adding in an extra plane to a gable to create a hip. Various methods of trimming walls to the roofs are demonstrated, including the classic “Trim to Roof” (which leaves a static cut), Solid Element Operations (which retains a relationship between the elements and will update automatically), and the (new in ArchiCAD 15) Connect command to Trim Elements to Roof/Shell, which is similar to Solid Element Operations in that it updates as needed to retain the relationship between the elements.

Some subtle points are shown, including the importance of understanding and perhaps adjusting the Trimming Body setting for a Multi-plane Roof – changing it from Pivot Lines down to Contours down.

Please post your comments and questions below.


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ArchiCAD Training: Simple Hip and Gable Roof Systems

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  1. FardinGhodoussi
    12 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I send you an email!

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Fardin –
      I have replied to your email. Thanks for your feedback.
      Please check your inbox…

  2. William Buttmi
    12 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    If time permits, could you model a hip roof intersect another hip roof (at 90d), one with a plate height of say 8′-0″ and the other with a plate hgt. of say 10′-0″.



    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      William –
      Yes, I will definitely cover this in the next roof lesson, which will focus on connecting roof systems.

  3. ChristopherEllis
    12 years ago

    As usual, a thorough and patient presentation.

    Largely thanks to your instruction, my expertise and confidence has increased my efficiency immensely. Building companies and contractors are now seeing the value of the whole concept of 3D. It’s gotten the point where I’ve gotten so busy that I have been unable to attend your coaching calls !

    Another program I’ve started is splitting initial design costs with a contractor bidding on a project, getting full payment upon success in securing the job.

    I’ll do a preliminary renovation design by creating an existing house model from assessor’s documents and photographs and then creating a renovation plan to show a before and after scenario. Clients get into Helping me “tune it up” and we’ve not yet failed to get the job! Our presentation beats th traditional “back of the napkin” approach hands down. The power of showing someone their future house is almost irresistible it seems …..

    Thanks for all you are doing for us !

    Chris Ellis, Cape Cod, Massachusetts