Opening ArchiCAD efficiently |
If you want AC to open faster, make sure to close all the windows that you are not using before you save and close the file because if you do not, then the next time you open the file, all the windows that were open will then regenerate and open as well, taking more time. You can choose “close all background windows” under Windows. |
0:01:00 |
Trimming walls |
First try selecting the walls and using the intersect button. If you have used a complex profile to cover your rim board, you can change that to a regular wall and then use the priorities of materials to cover it. To do this, select your wall, then go to Edit>Reshape>Adjust elements to slabs. Don’t worry about the top for now, go to the slab below it. This extends the exterior siding to the bottom of the slab. If it doesn’t go all the way down, make sure your elements have the proper priority for your materials. |
0:03:25 |
Trimming walls and windows |
When you have a window placed on a story that extends to a story above, you have two choices for trimming the wall above to the window to create the opening. One is to leave the walls as two separate pieces. Or you can only have one wall that extends all the way up. |
0:54:13 |
Adjusting composite walls |
If you want to make your wall taller it will stretch proportionately. If you have a material on the wall that needs to remain constant such as a veneer at the base you need to select your wall, right click, select complex profile to see your profile. In this view you will see horizontal dashed lines that represent the “stretch zone”. Move the stretch zone above your base material and store your change. You can then go back to your wall and stretch it to the height you want. |
0:55:55 |
Trimming morph to roof or putting in a roof with complex lines |
We can put in a roof in 3D and actually snap points to create the shape that we want. You can click three points to determine the plane then any number of points to determine the boundary of the extent of the plane. |
1:06:00 |
How to create a complex morph to create a custom wall or shape |
Using a section of the object you want to create, use the polyline tool to duplicate the lines in the section. Then duplicate your new line, offset it, close up the ends with lines, create a fill within it and then create a complex profile from there. Go to the profile manager and create a custome profile and paste in your new shape. Drag the object to the x origin in the location that would be most useful for you to have. Then store the profile. You can then go to the morph tool and magic wand your shape to create your morph. The tubular extrusion option allows you take the shape up to whatever distance you need. You can then turn a corner (not on a curve). To follow a curve you can use a predrawn curve to match to. You would select the edge line of your curve that you want to use and then go to Design>Modify morph>Union to combine the two morphs into one element. Then use the extrusion tool to bring your element up. You will have to snap to each point if there are ribs. If you want your curve to be more smooth you may retrace your pattern line with the morph tool and use the curve button for the curves and the straight button for the straight sections then unify again. Morphs have lines and faces, but rules for groups don’t apply. To select a part of the morph use the hollow arrow tool. |
1:24:00 |
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