ArchiCAD 17 New Features
AC17-5. Composite Slabs with Different Finishes in AC 17

ArchiCAD Training (Best Practices Lesson AC17-5)

This 23 minute ArchiCAD training explains how to use composite slabs in ArchiCAD 17 when you have multiple different finish floors in your building.

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ArchiCAD Training: Composite Slabs with Different Finishes

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  1. StevenNickel
    9 years ago

    Eric…both in how things get built, and how to use AC for slabs, this is a very, VERY informative tutorial. Sorry that I have just got around to watching it! Only comment I would make is that INTERIOR doors typically do not have thresholds. I solve this 3D issue by simply adding (you would call it a bolean addition) to the slab where there is a gap between one room and another.

  2. JonWelker
    11 years ago

    When a slab is cut by a wall, as in your example, is the quantity of slab adjusted too?

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Jon –
      I have not tested this specifically, but in general, the quantities should adjust when elements intersect, either through Solid Element Operations or Priority Intersections of Building Materials. You can test this yourself using the Window menu > Palettes > Element Info palette, which will interactively show you quantities for elements you select. You’ll see how I use this in the Week 12 lesson on Terrain Modeling with Cut and Fill Calculations.

  3. FardinGhodoussi
    11 years ago

    Dear Eric,

    Constructive lesson, thanks.

    Is it possible to extend door frame to the core of slab and kept the door height as required?



    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hi Fardin –

      You can leave the door frame set at the base of the wall, so it goes down to the core of the slab. However, the door will then rest at the bottom too, so it will be “stuck” in the finish floor.

      You might not ever notice this, as interior elevations will only show from the finish floor up; a section through the door would show it but it could be covered up with a 2D fill.

      Unfortunately, there does not appear to be an option, setting or parameter in the standard ArchiCAD doors for an undercut to raise the bottom of the door above the finish floor.

      You can add a threshold, which will “steal” space from the door panel, keeping its nominal height the same, and maintaining the actual elevation of the top of the door relative to the story. This will raise the bottom of the door up to the level of the finish floor, or above. You could make this threshold use the same material as the finish floor, if you don’t want it to be very prominent. I suggest that you experiment with this and see whether it helps you get the result you are seeking.
