ArchiCAD Basic Training – Module 3
3-3. Selecting and Placing Windows and Doors at Specific Locations

ArchiCAD Training –  (Quick Start Course – 3-3)

This 35 minute video lesson shows you how to select and place windows and doors, following the dimensional information from a drawing. There are two PDF files, one for USA users in feet and inches, and the other for International users with metric standards. Please open the appropriate PDF and print it out as a reference while you go through this module.

Your Downloads

You may need to right-click the following links and select Save Link As to download the file to your computer.

The development of the QuickStart Building continues from the last lesson. First the windows are placed, then the exterior doors followed by the interior doors. Different methods are shown for locating each element using various Special Snap options set from the pull-down menu in the Toolbar as well as using the Windows menu > Palettes > Control palette.

Selection of different doors and windows from the libraries is demonstrated using the library folder structure as well as the built-in search by keyword function. Both center and corner insertion methods are used to place the openings properly.

Each series of actions is demonstrated first in the USA version (with metric distances referred to during the process), then repeated with the INT version as a quick review. At the end, the distances and placement are verified with the use of the Measure tool.

TROUBLESHOOTING NOTES: If you start to place a window or door with the incorrect insertion method (e.g. corner rather than center, or vice versa), you may switch this in the Info Box in the middle of the process. Sometimes this will work nicely, and you will be able to continue through to complete placing the opening.

However, sometimes you may not be able to get the positioning right. If you are still in the middle of placing the element, you may hit the Escape key on your keyboard, which will cancel the operation in progress. If, however, you have already finished inserting the door or window, you will need to use the Edit menu > Undo command, or hit Command-Z or CTRL-Z to undo the previous step.

Thank you for visiting the Best Practices Course website. The video lessons are available for members only. If you are an active member and would like to watch the ArchiCAD training video on this page, please login to the website. If you are not currently a member, please visit the following pages for more information and to sign up for the Best Practices Course, the QuickStart Course or for the Best Practices ArchiCAD Coaching Program. Eric Bobrow, Creator of the Best Practices Course

Your Downloads

You may need to right-click the following links and select Save Link As to download the file to your computer

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ArchiCAD Training: Selecting and Placing Windows and Doors at Specific Locations

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  1. 69067122
    11 years ago

    How can I view these training ? Youtube can’t view in China.

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      69067122 –

      The video lessons for the Best Practices Course and QuickStart Course are not hosted on YouTube, so this should not be a problem. To get access to this training, you need to sign up for the course – the videos are for course members only, and are not public.

      For more information and to enroll in these courses, please visit You may purchase QuickStart separately (if you just want to learn the basics) or buy the Best Practices Course (which includes QuickStart as well as intermediate and advanced lessons and membership in my ArchiCAD Coaching Program).


  2. KennethMunson
    13 years ago

    (Long day…) Having difficulty navigating around the video/tutorial over the internet. I am running ArchiCAD V15 simultaneously with the QuickStart Course on my PC.
    When I want to review a segment, it takes a chunk of time waiting for a segement to reload. If I want to go back or forward 10 minutes or so….forget it, it doesn’t reload. I received the first shipment of DVD’s today and am having trouble with this segement on the DVD as well. The first 20 minutes or so played well. But as it got further along, the video began breaking-up, not being a smooth read. When I would click on the playback bar, to slide it back to re-watch the segment, both the vieo and the voice track would not playback smoothly. Any reason that you know of why it would play smoothly in the beginning and degrade later? Do/should DVD’s be downloaded to harddrive in order to playback smoothly?

    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      Ken –
      Are you having problems with many of the course videos, or just this one? If it’s this one only, let me know and I may try to reprocess it to see if I can improve the performance. If it’s happening for lots of them, then you may want to try the following:

      1) Clear your browser cache – the browser temporary files sometimes get filled up, and this may degrade performance for video playback. The instructions for this will vary depending on your browser, but generally you can find a command to do this in your Preferences for the browser in the Internet Content > Temporary Files > Cache (or something similar). It won’t delete anything you actually need, it will just give you more working space, and will download files fresh the next time you visit each page.

      2) Quit and restart your browser; and/or restart your computer. Sometimes this is the only way to get things working better again!

      With regards to your question about the DVD, yes, the video files will play better if copied onto your hard drive, since it is much faster to read and access files on the hard drive than through an optical disk like a DVD. Simply copy the entire contents of each DVD into a separate folder. You’ll need to follow the instructions for “authorizing” the new location for the Flash player, as described in the ReadMe or the intro page of the DVD.

      Please let me know if these tips help, or not…


  3. KennethMunson
    13 years ago

    ArchiCAD V15 for PC: finding sliding door; hitting the Return key (instead of the clicking the Find button) closes the Door Default Settings window and dumps me back into the Plan view without finding/selecting a sliding door. Only clicking Find (and not hitting the Return key) opens the Library Parts window.

    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      Ken –
      Thanks for your feedback – apparently things work differently in this particular dialog box on the PC compared to the Mac. I’ll keep this in mind.

  4. KennethMunson
    13 years ago

    ArchiCAD V15 ofr PC: I’m having a problem with the “Special Snap Points” not being visible until/unless I zoom-in or move the view window. Your snap points show immedialy when you hover the Mecedes symbol over the wall line. The orange ball nor the snap point reveal themselves only after I move/or zoom in/out on the plan. Is something not turned on/off?

    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      Ken –
      I’m sorry, I don’t know why this onscreen feedback is not showing up for you until you move or zoom in or out.
      To troubleshoot this, I suggest contacting Graphisoft tech support ( or posting this question on ArchiCAD-Talk.

  5. George Buckley
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    i am still experiencing some problems with viewing the of the material. If i try and download it takes me hours (up to 12) to get any thing.
    I am getting very frustrated. Any ideas.


    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      George –

      I’m sorry to hear about your problems viewing the material. What type of internet connection do you have? Our files are hosted on Amazon S3, which is the most widely used “cloud” storage and distribution service, so it shouldn’t be a problem at our end.

      These are relatively large files, of course. Each video lesson may be 100 megabytes or more. The entire QuickStart Course (13 hours) is about 3.7 Gigabytes. However, most course members who have standard broadband service are able to access them without a problem and watch the videos as they stream (without having to download them first).

      Have you tried this at different times and days? Does it vary much? There could be temporary or intermittent internet congestion in your area.

      We offer the course on DVD to avoid issues with slow internet downloads. You’ll find a link for purchasing the course DVD set in the Extras menu (above) > Get the Course on DVD.


  6. AmmarRija
    13 years ago

    wonderful lesson

  7. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Thanks for explaining how to place an object between insertion points.
