ArchiCAD Basic Training – Module 2
2-3. Choosing and Placing Library Parts; Setting a Camera Position

ArchiCAD Training –  (Quick Start Course – 2-3)

This 17 minute video lesson looks at the process of locating and choosing objects from the library, and modifying basic parameters for rotation, size and insertion before placement onto the floor plan.

We also look at how to view the model in perspective, and different ways to set the viewing position including both the Navigator Preview palette and the Camera tool.

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ArchiCAD Training:  Choosing and Placing Library Parts; Setting a Camera Position

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  1. Avatar photo
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks again for your videos, I keep on leraning a lot.
    I have a question: on the chapter 2-3 when creating a perspective with the camera

    When I create the camera and then go to the arrow tool I am not able to select the camera on the view, hence I can’t go to the new view I just created.
    Whats wrong?

    • Eric Bobrow
      11 years ago

      Hi Corina –

      I’m glad you are learning so much from the video lessons.

      Re selecting cameras, note that the selection handle is at the camera lens point (the end that points towards the target). You may also select the camera at the target point. Look for the checkmark on the selection arrow to indicate that you are on top of a handle.

      Alternatively, if you have the camera settings floating dialog open (double-click the camera tool in the Toolbox) you may use the little up or down arrows next to the camera number (in the upper left of the dialog) to cycle through selecting each camera you have placed on the plan.


  2. Derry Shinkwin
    12 years ago

    Hi Eric
    1-3 when selecting wall with magnet on one side of wall all the
    walls come up selected,also when i do the partial select i have the
    same problem

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Derry –

      It sounds like your walls are grouped (likely because the Autogroup option was turned on and you drew them in one connected operation) so that when you select one, they all become selected. Please watch QuickStart Module 1 Part 5 for some tips about how to deal with this issue.

      Let me know if this helps, or if you need further guidance.


      • Derry Shinkwin
        12 years ago

        Hi Eric
        I turned Autogroup option off and that sorted it out.

  3. ArianSharif
    12 years ago

    is the navigater preview available in ArchiCad 10&11?

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Arian –
      Yes, it is available in those versions of ArchiCAD. You will see an icon for it in the lower left area of the window – the “navigation area” – on the left side. It’s the second icon from the left, and has a magnifying glass. Click this button, and the Navigator Preview will show (or hide, if already showing).

  4. Eric Bobrow
    13 years ago

    Sunder, Mariya, Lilian –
    Thanks for posting your comments.
    I’m glad this lesson was helpful!

  5. SunderIsaac
    13 years ago

    Just what i needed i was having difficulty adjusting views. The Navigator Preview tool solved those issues.

  6. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    Okay, creating a view or viewing an area was sometimes a struggle using the camera tool because the space would be too tight. After reviewing this video and your explanation of how to use the Navigator preview for this task (which I vaguely remembered – but couldn’t quite get) I can finally get a view that is positioned well both vertically and horizontally, even in a tight space.

    Thank you!

  7. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    This is a good start to the camera tool….Thanks!