Week #1 – The 7 Keys to Best Practices
1-1. Overview of the 7 Keys

ArchiCAD Training (Best Practices Lesson 1-1)

This 8 minute segment is the first part of the 7 Keys to Best Practices for ArchiCAD.

After a humorous introduction, these 7 key principles are briefly explained.

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ArchiCAD Training: Overview of the 7 Keys

Let us know how you feel... (22 comments so far)

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  1. Marshall Rossiter
    13 years ago

    You have my attention…the 7 points rang a bell, and have already enlightened me…
    I am looking forward to more.

  2. Hagith Popper
    13 years ago

    Eric , your teaching is systematic and clearly organized,it makes me feel I will eventually cope with at least some of what there is to learn in order to use AC efficiently. I think your course and MT are the best of investments for me.Thanks

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Thank you Hagith, I appreciate your feedback!

  3. Avatar photo
    Bob George
    14 years ago

    Fine outline, Eric, and I welcome it. I’ve read some of your other papers, and I knew this presentation would be good when I saw your name. I began with version 6.5, I believe, but I continue to be chilled by the GS manual and help language. Sometimes its necessary to read that narrative 2-3 times and a few weeks apart to understand what it’s telling me. Your presentation is simple, clear and, therefore, more understable. All I want to do is use AC to design and document my projects, but I frequently have to dig further into error messages on my screen that stall me out and make me long for my triangles and pencils! Keep up the good work.

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Bob –
      Thanks for your kind comments and feedback.
      I hope you come back and check out other lessons, and perhaps sign up for the full course some day.

  4. Cliff Gilmore
    14 years ago

    I think it would be advantageous to be able to download the text portion of your video as a future reminder / reference.
    Perhaps it is available but I didn’t see any key to allow it.
    Otherwise, your delivery of the material is calm and informative.
    Like so many other people, money is tight and I’m not sure I can afford the course at this time given that I have no projects in hand at this time.
    Thanx in the meantime.

    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Cliff –

      There is a text transcript of the first week’s materials available for download on the main page describing Week #1:

      I plan to create transcripts of all the course content to facilitate reference and possibly translation or subtitling.


  5. Greg Burke, AIA
    14 years ago


    Very impressive. Most of the things you are teaching I already do, but there is room for improvement. I like a lot of your “short-cuts” and would like to do them also. I have had little work for the past year and cash-flow is tough right now. I hope I can get into the Best Practices at a later date.


    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Greg –
      Thanks for your positive comments. I look forward to the time when you are able to join us for the full course.

  6. Mahongwei Mahongwei
    14 years ago

    very very good!

  7. charles youngblood
    14 years ago

    Eric- GResat intro! You have helped my firm a couple times in person. This is looking to be a great investment follow up training course for me and my partner Murrie. Great focus / clarity.

  8. Hassavn
    14 years ago

    lovely Teacher Eric. Very good presentation ….evrything is O.K

  9. Robert Stensland
    14 years ago

    I purchased your template months ago but have never had time to use it, hopefully this will be my chance, You would probably be amazed at what I have done in Archicad, and still don’t take advantage of hardly any of your time saving suggestions. Hopefully this will get me started.
    I feel like an experienced user that knows nothing.

    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Robert –

      Thanks for your honesty and humility. You are not alone. Many people have good intentions but do not follow through. This goes for many areas in life, of course – the classic might be the gym membership – can you get in shape simply by enrolling at the gym?

      One way you can improve your chances of actually following through is to enroll in something as part of a group, and participate regularly. The weekly lessons, the comments and questions that we have on this website, and the monthly coaching calls, will help keep people motivated and excited and learning and doing.

      Please let me (and the group) know if you have questions that we can help you with!


  10. paulo
    14 years ago

    Cool! Very nicely done.

  11. tulethien
    14 years ago

    I really want used archicad for architect design

  12. Avatar photo
    Juliana Perrucci
    14 years ago

    Hey Eric:

    I am really looking forward to starting this course. You have ALWAYS been so helpful, informative and insightful with my questions and your responses- no matter how simplistic I am sure they seem to you. Not sure if you have it included in the upcoming sessions but perhaps you can go over for us all your process outlined in Master Template news for creating a renovation project (residential or simple commercial) utilizing the idea of keeping existing plan separate from the new but with the merge capabilities and easy update to both whether working on the existing pln file or the new. I am TRYING to do this on a current project, think I understand the base concepts but know seeing you review it “live” and visually would help tremendously for me and others… anyways, chat again soon.

    • Eric
      14 years ago

      Julie –

      I will be covering remodels and additions in one of the course modules. It can be a confusing process, and I’ll try to make it as clear as possible. In the meantime, you might want to look at one of my articles:

      Remodels and Additions in ArchiCAD

      This covers several different approaches to this process.

  13. Takis Apostolides
    14 years ago

    Eric, I have redownloaded all parts and everything is ok – nothing crushes.

  14. Ross Cahill-O'Brien
    14 years ago

    Very good, I enjoyed the structure, I was talking to the Graphisoft people at the Archicad university and I asked for a system of options that would work from simple massing and later to the detail so that the layers of options for materials colour only became available afterwards as the project became more detailed.

  15. Marek Stoklosa
    14 years ago

    You are the natural teacher.
    I look forward to master the AC, which will be our office standard from this year, leaving behind another not too robust semi BIM application, that gave us a lot of headaches and frustrations. AC seems great and one of our Projects is is already being worked on in AC.

  16. James Bibb
    14 years ago

    Natural Teacher Eric. Very good presentation and at the right time for a number of my fellow office mates whom are beginning their first series of projects. Thanks.