ArchiCAD Basic Training – Module 1
1-2. Starting to Create a Virtual Building

ArchiCAD Training –  (Quick Start Course – 1-2)

In this 21 minute video we’ll start the process of creating a virtual building. Basic drawing of walls, doors and windows is explained, along with common geometry and placement options. The building is created on the floor plan, and edited on plan as well as in the 3D window.

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ArchiCAD Training: Starting to Create a Virtual Building

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  1. RichardGallier
    6 years ago


    Hello, thank you for having an all in one online learning course.

    I do a lot of Pre-Engineered Metal building and was wondering how to set up a wall section/exterior walls that include the following:
    1. Sheeting
    2. insulation.
    3. Girts.
    4. Interior liner panels.

    Also, where I have different material, such as an office wall behind the PEMB wall trying to get the doors to work out.

    Is there a path to get this accomplished.

    Please let me know.

    Thank you in advance.


    • Eric Bobrow
      6 years ago

      Hi Rick – In the QuickStart Course we start with simple mono-element walls, floors and roofs to allow you to focus on the general geometry of the building model. In the Best Practices Course, we cover Composites (walls, slabs and roofs made of multiple “skins” that are uniform throughout the element) and Complex Profiles (elements defined by a cross-section that can start as composites but will usually have framing, moulding, footings, partial height coverings or other elements that are distinct from the broad skins). When you choose a wall type, you first select Simple, Composite or Complex Profile, then an available option from within that set. Of course you can create your own to suit your needs.

      For more in-depth assistance, send me an email to and/or to attend one of the twice monthly ARCHICAD Coaching Program calls.
      – Eric

  2. Avatar photo
    6 years ago


    Thanks to, what I now understand to be your “Excellent Reputation” across the Architectural community, I too am digging into the QSC. I must say I’m incredibly impressed…Wow! For you to have put together what you have here in the QSC, BPC and Master Template, demonstrates two things. 1) Your obvious love for Architecture and 3) Your belief in and commitment to Archicad. In short…THANK YOU!!!! Never have I seen such a committed amount to training material of such hi quality of step by step, well organized and structured by a product developer much less a private individual. Simply Amazing!

    • Eric Bobrow
      6 years ago

      Scott – Thanks for your enthusiastic feedback – it’s much appreciated!
      – Eric

  3. Avatar photo
    11 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    Since I have the Educational version downloaded my Tracker is not working. It allows me to put in the first (x) dimension, but than when I want to tab to get to the next (Y) dimension it does not jump there.
    Could you please tell me where I need to look for answers.

    Thank you in advance!


    • Avatar photo
      11 years ago

      Ok! Thank you! Fixed it! Preferences were off…

      • Eric Bobrow
        11 years ago

        I’m so glad to read that you figured it out!
        Which preferences did you have to adjust?

        • Avatar photo
          11 years ago

          Well Tracker & Coordinate input (I played around a little that’s why can’t remember exactly) and had to change the Working Units to Feet & Fraction inches.

          And little embarrassing, but also I found that there is a TAB key on my keyboard, so was not tabbing the long key anymore :):):)

          Have a lovely day


  4. MarcelinoPatlong
    12 years ago

    Dear Sir Eric,

    Please show me how to create title block in ArchiCAD because I want to use my own title block in all my drawings…

    Thank you…


    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Marcelino –

      The questions you are posting are very good. They will all get answered at various points during the Best Practices Course.

      You may also ask them during one of our ArchiCAD Coaching Calls, so that you don’t have to wait until the formal training lessons are available for each of these areas. Look in your Inbox for the notification of the next coaching call, and submit your question either by email or in the Chat box during the session.

      I’ll be glad to answer your questions on the call.


  5. Harryanto
    12 years ago

    You will get payback by helping people around the world

  6. Adesina Ramoni Taiwo
    12 years ago

    I like this site

  7. MaureenBoh
    12 years ago

    Just completed module1-2. Love it! Thanks Eric and Axel (about right clicking and save as).

  8. MaureenBoh
    12 years ago

    It’s working. Thank you so much!

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Maureen –
      Glad you’ve been able to get started, and that you are so enthusiastic.

  9. MaureenBoh
    12 years ago

    Managed to get the modul on the screen and will now try to download it. Will let you know how Iater. Thanks.

  10. Maureen
    12 years ago

    When I clicked on the link to a module, all I got was this comments section with no tutorial. What am I doing that is wrong?

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Maureen –

      Welcome to the Best Practices Course and the QuickStart Course!

      There are two likely explanations for the problem you experienced with the video not showing up on this page:

      1) If you are not logged in to the website, you will not be able to watch most of the video lessons, and instead will get a message suggesting that you consider signing up for the course.

      2) Sometimes it takes a while for a video to load, particularly if there is internet congestion or you have a slow connection. Wait for a full minute or more, and if nothing happens, try going to another page and seeing whether you get a video. Perhaps come back in a few minutes to this page.

      If you are not able to watch any videos, then you may want to try a different web browser to see if that helps. If you continue to have problems, please contact support (at) and I’ll try to help you figure this out.


  11. AxelMaedler
    13 years ago

    Hello Eric,

    found out the solution of my problem as below by myself:
    Right klick on the “Download”-button –> select “Save as…” –> select the wished folder –> “ok”
    Now I’m a bit closer to submit my comment.

    Till soon, Axel.

    PS: No reason to answer anymore!

  12. AxelMaedler
    13 years ago

    Hello Eric,

    before I can let you know how I feel about your courses I need to be well organised on my computer to practice with your courses best. Because of slow Internet in many hotels I need your courses fixed on my computer. The QuickStart course causes proplems with that:
    If I press the download button I get linked to
    and the movie starts with QuickTime. So far so good, but if I want to save the movie on my computer via right mouse klick I need to purchase QuickTime 7 Pro. I’m not willing doing this.
    Is it possible that I’m doing in a wrong way? Have you any solution? I don’t want to wait till I resive your DVD.

    Thanks, Axel

  13. AmmarRija
    13 years ago

    Dear Eric
    Witch part of quick course talking about (the foundations of the building)
    My respect

    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      Ammar –
      The QuickStart Course does not include a lesson on foundations. This is covered in the Best Practices Course, partly in the section on terrain modeling, and also as part of the Complex Modeling topic.

  14. JonathanDavis
    13 years ago

    Can you tell me how you set up the F1- F12 keys on a mac so that when you want to transition from one view to the next, it doesnt use your computer default options, but ArchiCADs. Thanks

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Jonathan –
      Go to the Apple menu > System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard (left-hand side options).
      Click the checkbox “Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys”.

      This will make the F-keys work nicely in ArchiCAD as per the keyboard shortcuts shown in the menus or set in the ArchiCAD Options menu > Work Environment > Keyboard Shortcuts.

      As it says in this System Preferences > Keyboard dialog box:
      “When this option is selected, press the Fn key [usually at the bottom left of the keyboard] to use the special features printed on each key [e.g. change volume, brightness, etc.]”

  15. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    In this lesson I was reminded of how to enter rotated rectangular walls.


  16. Christopher Ellis
    13 years ago


    This is precisely what a beginner needs. Simple and direct in bite sized pieces with a tasty dose of 3D navigation and goodness. Having been a user for 10+ years, I’ll be taking this course to pick up better ways to do things and exchange my old (bad ?) habits for better ones.

    Nicely done.

    Chris Ellis