ArchiCAD Basic Training – Module 1
1-4. Connecting and Orienting Walls

ArchiCAD Training –  (Quick Start Course – 1-4)

In this 11 minute video we look at different options for connecting walls and setting their orientations.

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ArchiCAD Training: Connecting and Orienting Walls

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  1. AndrewRobb
    9 years ago

    Hi Eric,
    I am working through the Quick Start 2.1 video and I can’t figure out how to get the blue and orange guidelines to appear when I hover over the corner of the building for example or over the origin like in the video? Do I need to turn this on in Archicad 18 or have they removed the function?
    Andrew Robb

    • Eric Bobrow
      9 years ago

      Hi Andrew –

      The behavior of Guide Lines changed in ArchiCAD 15, please watch my 15 minute video tutorial when you get a chance:

      Here’s a link to a short article that you can use as a quick reference:

      Briefly: To bring up a new Guideline on a NODE/POINT

      Hover the cursor over an appropriate node/corner point (when the checkmark symbol appears)
      Now you can choose either of two methods: either (i) left-click-and-drag from that point to place a guideline at an appropriate angle, or (ii) press the ’tilde’ key on the keyboard (below the ESC key) to start the positiion of a new guideline, click to place the guideline.


  2. Olof Bern Antonsson
    12 years ago

    Mr. Bobrow,

    after having had changed the “template” and “work environment” (in the dialogue that appears when creating a new project), it would appear the plan display settings have changed.

    Before, e.g. the walls and windows in plan looked the way they do in the video above — now every wall no matter the material is a “filled” black, and windows and doors are drawn with a thin line black (as compared to different colours and thicknesses before).

    I have done a bit of hunting about in all kinds of settings, but am unable to locate the appropriate dialogue.

    Could you point me in the right direction?


    Olof Bern Antonsson


    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Olof –

      It sounds like you may have activated a different setting for your Model View Options (MVO). These are set up in the Document menu > Model View > Model View Options dialog, and are also recorded in your View Settings, so that each View can have an appropriate style for displaying the model.

      The MVO settings allow you to change the display of the walls and other construction elements by overriding the actual Fills or Composite; in this case it sounds like it is set to give you a solid fill. This might be appropriate for a preliminary drawing, or for a site plan. MVO can also change the way that windows and doors are shown.

      Try double-clicking on different Views in your View Map to see what alternative MVO styles are available in your current template. To change the Model View Options manually, or to study the options you have, open up the Document menu > Model View > Model View Options command.

      I hope this helps you to straighten things out, and introduces you to one of ArchiCAD’s powerful features!


      • Olof Bern Antonsson
        12 years ago

        Thank you kindly!

  3. ChiauwLim
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    May I know what mouse are you using. Do I have to configure my mouse to have the center click to pan. Tried what you did but cannot get my mouse to work.

    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      Chiauw –

      I am using an Apple Magic Mouse, the wireless, stylish mouse with no buttons. It automatically can be configured to do left and right clicks, and with a free download of the utility called MagicPrefs, I’ve set it to pick up a click in the middle area properly as a center button click.

      ArchiCAD automatically uses the center button click as a Pan command, but sometimes there is mouse software or system preferences/software that interferes. Check to see if you have a system preference or mouse control panel that allows configuration of the mouse button functions. You will want to make sure that your center click is being treated as a “normal” center click, rather than as a special shortcut function.


  4. MikeVenechuk
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric – I’m watching1-4 and the video is freezing at 2:23. Any thoughts ?

    • MikeVenechuk
      13 years ago

      got past it / no problem

      • Eric Bobrow
        13 years ago

        Mike –
        Glad to hear it was a temporary problem…

  5. Avatar photo
    13 years ago


    Thanks for reviewing how to use the Adjust command.


  6. Avatar photo
    13 years ago


    These basics are essential to efficient work in Archicad. Even though most of these I may be already using them, these serve as great efficiency refreshers for staffers or for into for new people that have never worked with ArchiCAD before.

  7. ChristopherEllis
    13 years ago


    It’s amazing how one can use Archicad for years and never know about the subtle differences in the cursor that you point out. Information that is just waiting to be utilized. As a long time user, I’m picking up great tidbits with your lessons.

    Chris Ellis

    • Eric
      13 years ago

      Chris –
      There are always going to be little nuances that will help you finesse your work better – glad to see you’re willing to take the time to go back over the basics with me!