ArchiCAD Basic Training – Module 1
1-3. Selection, Navigation and Basic Editing

ArchiCAD Training –  (Quick Start Course – 1-3)

In this 21 minute video we’ll look at how to select elements onscreen in both plan and 3D views. I’ll explain how to navigate around and between these windows, and how to do some basic editing of element settings to make things different sizes.

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ArchiCAD Training: Selection, Navigation and Basic Editing

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  1. Jean MichelGomes
    12 years ago

    I’m using Archicad 15 and I have followed the steps of the last class. The problem is that I can’t select parts of the wall, if it was created as a rectangle (when I try to do it, it is selected as one single rectangle wall). So, I’ve needed to re-do it all again using single wall parts. I would like to know if there is a way to select parts of a four wall rectangle.

    • Jean MichelGomes
      12 years ago

      I’ve seen it in the Troubleshooting video. Thanks 🙂

  2. GlenGrayson
    12 years ago

    So far, I am getting a lot out of it. I just wish it was more up-to-date, as far as my version is concerned.

  3. NatalieLydom
    12 years ago

    Can you give me any tips to get the video to work with sound? I can get it to play, but I can’t hear anything. And yes, I did check that my speakers were on 🙂

    • Eric Bobrow
      12 years ago

      Natalie –

      I just clicked on the video and it plays with sound fine for me. Are you able to play other videos on the course website with the sound working OK?

      There is a volume control for the video player that may be turned down. You will see this volume control in the play controls that show up when you move your mouse over the video player – it’s on the right side with a little speaker icon. See if the volume level needs to be adjusted.


  4. Mick Clarke
    13 years ago

    It is difficult to work in American units. Also I am learning this in Zimbabwe where there are not many users. At times I feel frustrated because a simple book with very basic explanations would help. On a scale of 1 to 10 I know about 6 of autocad and 1 of archicad

    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      Mick –

      I appreciate that you have posted your comments here.

      In most of the lessons, while I may use American units onscreen, I usually refer to the rough metric equivalents so that users outside the USA will have some feeling for the dimensions I am referring to. In some of the lessons that focus on specific placement of elements, in fact, I demonstrate things once in American units and once in metric units to provide better support for all users.

      I understand that for you, a simple book would be helpful. Perhaps at some point I will create a book like what you are wishing for. In the meantime, please keep going, and things will start to get easier, I promise. The more you immerse yourself, and play around in the program with your own hands, the more it will become familiar. After just a little while, you’ll start feeling more and more comfortable.

      I wish you the best as you work through the inevitable frustration of learning something new, and assure you that it is well worth it – ArchiCAD is actually a pleasure to use! Please continue to post your comments and feedback on the course materials as you go through…


  5. AmmarRija
    13 years ago

    Dear Erik
    How I can select all the floors or stories one time?

    • Eric Bobrow
      13 years ago

      Hi Ammar –

      From the floor plan, you can only select elements visible on the current story – these are ones that have this story as their Home Story, and others (such as roofs or slabs or certain types of markers) that are set to be visible on multiple stories.

      You can use the marquee tool to affect elements on multiple stories if you place the marquee with the heavy or thick line (vs. the thin marquee which only selects and affects elements on the current story). The marquee can be used to drag, stretch, copy or delete these elements, but not to change their settings.

      In the 3D window, you may select elements from any or all stories that are visible. This allows you to select walls, doors, windows, objects etc. from more than one story and change their settings – perhaps their material or thickness etc.


  6. AmmarRija
    13 years ago

    hi Eric
    the Explain was very beautiful, everything was in detail

  7. Avatar photo
    13 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    I am reminded of how to effectively use insertion points and that double clicking on + or – in the Navigator will put the view to 100% of paper space.
